Where did all the energy go? Listen to any clip of the old O&A show and they sound vibrant and alive. Now... they're so fucking slow. Coffee motherfuckers. Coffee.

2  2017-11-06 by FirstWDay


They're old as fuck now, and the times we live in now are very different than when O&A was at its peak

Could you imagine the shit show that would occur if Louis CK were to explain the history of the word nigger today?

I would have loved to see a show where they each just took 10mg of Adderall beforehand.

Shit makes you so talkative and open. I'd love to hear all a show like that.

They don't wake up early. They used to get up and head straight to the studio. Ant couldn't drink all night, then pass out until 4 pm. If Jim edged for 8 hours, he was overtired and silly. Now Ant's a low energy drunk and Jim gets enough winks to be bored for a few hours before J&S

low testosterone. Starts dipping at 40.

With Jim I think the fans turning on him took it out of him. Remember the early shows everybody was happy Opie was gone so he was energized by the positive feedback and so happy he came here thanking us for the support and promising us an AMA. Then the show gets turned on as the Trump & Egg Whites Show sponsored by WWE and UFC and then he stops putting effort in. With Anthony his personal life caught up with him.