Sam's basement looks better than Ants professional studio

251  2017-11-05 by Dennyislife


doesnt he live in an apartment?

I hope thats his bedroom and his wife is on the other side of the room in bed listening to something else on her laptop

Nah he moved recently

ant paid for that green screen goddammit and it will be used! (Although compound media's official excuse is there are too many shows to have a physical set for each)

Ant is a moron.

haha oh shit

HAHAha holy shit

Make the link bigger

Link to Vizio soundbar?

Now that’s the shit

I don't want no Muslin backdrops in my goddamn country!

You could probably pirate the software to change the background for free. But without the shitty 4k HD backgrounds and blurry people talking.

I like how Anthony and team don't know what an aspect ratio is.

add a couple of flashlights to that and some dollar store clip on mics and you're good to go!

Yet they have the same physical set for every show

Reminder: Redbar wasn't good enough for compound media. That says a lot

He just cant shake the bad public access tv vibe its hilarious. His hair and face look like shit reflecting off the green all the time too lol

Everyone makes fun of the terrible circa-1998 CGI background, but I feel like more attention should be paid to the Casio keyboard intro music.

I've been to the studio and it's actually very professional looking up-close. There also isn't a lot of space to do much else.

That said, the green screen hurts it and there are better ways to use the space he has. I wish they just set it up more like a traditional podcasting network. He could have built a cool set around that and frankly nobody would care if the different shows shared a set.

Giving Keith all that video equipment is like giving an ape a machine gun

spot on analogy

I think it's really just stubbornness at this point. Most people who aren't dumb and don't have weird self image issues would, when confronted with a lot of negative feedback about an aspect of their show from their fans, would take a step back and take a critical look at the issue and then change it. Not Anthony though. He is going to dig in his heals and double down on it at the expense of the success of his network just for the sake of not wanting to admit that the "haters" were right.

Yuck, does he really do a wrestling podcast?

Yeah. You think having one and only one hobby for the past thirty years is unhealthy and obnoxious or something?

Look at this asshole, I bet he tries new things every once in a while.

Shut up punk bitch.

Maaaaa I'm not going to lower it, I have to do this now!

I want to see a wrestler pick him up & smash him through that desk, & hopefully it's more solid than Anth's flimsy shit.

And sam would love it

I want a roided psycho break into his place and and pull a Benoit

Well said

Didnt some steve guy from the east side dave show tear it apart with a kick?

the only thing I like about the set up are the air jordan 1's

A treetrunk with an upside down bucket to sit on is a better looking broadcast set than what Anth has.

Ant would prefer an upside stool, thankyouverymuch

Almost had it. Next time.


It'd look even better if someone threw Sam through that table.

They only smash him in the Spanish studio next door.

ha great joke, too bad most people won't get it

That's a very classy way to not hang a picture, Sam. Just lean that shit against the blinds. Looks great buddy

It's amazing what some dark lighting can do for you and your set's appearance

Do you think Jess makes him take it down and oujt it all away after every show?

Jess probably made him move all of his wrestling shit from the house into the basement. He thought he might as well make a studio with all of it

I really wish it were one of those dirt hole root cellars.

My wife won't even let me visit my house

So Sam's basement is essentially a shrine to himself?

His (((wife))) taught him well.

When he's done ruining Jimmy's career, he will have gotten rid of everyone that stood in his way to stardom.

Did he marry a jew? Lol. They r terrible wives and mothers.

And people lol

Good kindling tho

Lampshades too.

Too far

Didn't go far enough last time.

That actually does look pretty decent. It doesn't hurt that it's a real studio, rather than a green screen.

Sam's basement wrestling studio looks fine. Ant needs a studio that changes for all the hosts he has working at his network, so the green screen does that. They all also need to be able to play video, and they can do that on the green screen. Gavin left Ant's company, and he has a set up like Sam, but to play video he needs TV screens mounted on the walls to play stuff, and to bring up articles he is talking about he needs another TV to put that onto. It's barely ok if only one person is using the room.

Yeah but Anthony's studio looks like complete shit. It's unwatchable.

They need to fix how bad the background looks, but I think it's basically the same thing as everyone uses. I don't notice Ant and Artie are in front of green screen, because it would be like complaining about the local news having a green screen.

It's bad because Keith is incompetent and the reason why Compound Media lost all it's shows.

Honest question, did it? I have no facts to back this, but it seems like Gavin is way more famous than Ant, and more relevant than Artie. If I was on the business side of things, I would have gave Artie's salary to Gavin, if that was my only options. If Artie is really getting $700,000, then I'd thing more about it.

It really doesn't look bad but Sam's wrestling obsession makes my hands shake with rage.

Vodka will do that to ya

Sam's basement wrestling studio looks fine. Ant needs a studio that changes for all the hosts he has working at his network, so the green screen does that. They all also need to be able to play video, and they can do that on the green screen. Gavin left Ant's company, and he has a set up like Sam, but to play video he needs TV screens mounted on the walls to play stuff, and to bring up articles he is talking about he needs another TV to put that onto. It's barely ok if only one person is using the room.

I like Sam in Clan of the Cave Bear

Because he opted for real shit instead of terrible 00s CGI backdrops.

Because he opted for real shit instead of terrible 00s CGI backdrops.

Does he wonder what that oblong leather thing is?

Very youtube kid like

It says right there that that's not Sam.


You right

I never got this not sam shit. He fuckin goes by sam. Its sam actually

Nor do I. Is it like "oh no not Sam Roberts again!" Kind of thing?

I think it’s a play on others doing “the real” such and such when their name was taken. So instead of TheRealSamRoberts he’s NotSam

And the rest of us wondered what his (((wife))) saw in him. Clearly, this level of wit would melt any iceberg.

He should do a podcast about jess fucking other dudes whites, blacks and latins mostly few asian.


This looks like a child's bedroom. What kind of a grown, heterosexual (though cro-magnon) man still likes wrestling?

Sam looks like an HD version of that Leatherface photo.

He needs to get rid of the skinny-fat, balding, retarded thing that sits at the desk though. Really ruins his presentation.

Anyone know the origin of "not sam" its fucking dumb.

Go ask @NotSamFanFuck on Twitter.

A shitty physical setup is still way better than a green screen.

That is actually impressive for a manchild. I wonder who paid for all that.

is he going for that fun but sexy gay club lightning?

Who the fuck even listens to this shit?

Was expecting a joke. But no - it's better.

Plus Anthony's show has Artie on camera, the human equivalent of having a tomato sauce stain on the front of your shirt. They'd be better off just throwing a tarp over him, I doubt he'd even notice.

Anyone who puts faggy toys and SNEAKERS on their wall should have their head removed from their body.

Yo you're not a sneakerhead? Those new yeezys be lit af tho

Who the fuck is Not Sam? I hope he dies from bee stings.

The ghoul that lives in that studio is hideous though.

  • the cave troll

-no alcohol -no hangers-on - no bipolar whores

Hmmm... you didn't say there are no trannies.

IDK, that's pretty damn tacky

For real, this is well done in this category.

Say what you will about Sam, he is a heck of a producer. His content may be mediocre, but the presentation is pretty good.

Did he do that all himself? The lighting is nice.

As for the green screen argument, I bought a portable green screen once when I was working remotely both to seem professional and hide my messy basement.

You have to iron it flat and keep the fabric impossibly tight to avoid wrinkles. Also, you need an array of hot and super bright lamps shining onto it just to get the chromakey to work properly. And the wide angle of most webcams means that whatever size you buy will not be wide enough. 6'x9' looks big enough but it's actually teenie-tiny.

No homo.

And people lol

It's bad because Keith is incompetent and the reason why Compound Media lost all it's shows.

And the rest of us wondered what his (((wife))) saw in him. Clearly, this level of wit would melt any iceberg.