BREAKING NEWS- Gunman massacres people in Texas church

0  2017-11-05 by WhippingHuskies

Don't know any more details, but if it turns out to be a third worlder, this may be the beginning of the end for white guilt.


They were shot for not praying hard enough.

Only thing I've seen was gunman has been killed.


So far as I understand, yea. But nothing is being released, some sources are reporting a brown guy as the shooter. The FBI is already on scene, was within minutes, so I'm assuming the cover-up is taking place as we speak.

On the livestream the dude said there are reports of 15 dead. No word on the shooter yet.

Coulter's Law? I think this may be the final straw assuming the dude was a Leftist or Jihadi/BLM terrorist.

LOL, since when does a death count mean anything?

Coulter's Law

When in doubt, suck Jimmy JJ Walker's cock. It's DYNOMIIIITE!

Dunno who that is, but made me laugh anyhow.


Coulter's law fails again


A third worlder did about a month ago and the MSM memory holed it.

Yes, that story was buried. I doubt this one will be. The deep state is going full assault now. They're covring up the Vegas shooting, the latest Clinton/DNC scandal, and 15 CIA connected Saudi princes have just been arrested. People are really starting to ask serious questions now.

Do you drink thermite for breakfast?

Tss tss yea, that's why I'm explosive or sumptin' DvvDvVv

Yep, that's probably why I've got explosive diarrhea.

The deep state would be right wing you idiot.

No, the deep state is a network of intelligence mining operations who serve the Anglo-American MIC and Anglo-Judeo banking cartels. Considering they've been pushing far left political ideology on every mainstream platform they don't necessarily strike me a right wing, genius.

I hate it when Alex Jones gives you faggots new words to repeat. Now all of these faggots keep saying "deep state" over and over. They always do that when he gives them a new word. It's sickening. Think for yourselves faggots...

He was Christian. It doesn't count.

it was a baptist church so my guess is white guy wanting to shoot black people. gotta start teaching these kids the value of life. gotta ruin nfl sundays

Nothing yet on the shooter. I wonder if they're gonna cover this up like Vegas. The biggest massacre in US history and no1 knows shit. For Pete's sake, what's going on here gang?

They're showing the victims families gathering in front of the community center on the stream I posted.

They all appear to be white.

You wrong

I was only making a guess sir

Not a black person in site. This is Anthony Cumia utopia.

It's south of San Antonio. There are not a whole lot of black people. I'd be surprised if there were more than 10 in the town.

I read baptist church and assumed

If Islamics start making church shootings a regular thing, things are going to get really bad really quick.

Yea. I'm in rural Spain, which hasn't really been diseased with the white guilt, political correctness, or mass media propaganda, or has really been affected by the New Left Order, but people here ae starting to really get sick of the bullshit. I'm generally apolitical, and outside of a few cynical comments here and there, have become completely disgusted with our species and deeply disappointed in the West, but these are very interesting times we're living in. We're rapidly approaching critical mass with the bullshit.

Where in spain? I lived in madrid and alicante about 10 years ago and it was racist as fuck they had no problem telling me i wasn't welcome in their nightclubs and restaurants

Galicia, in the NorthWest. But I just moved here from NYC a few months ago. But yea, Spaniards on account of their inferiority complex for being darker much like Greeks and Italians are a lot less politically correct and open about their racism. Your people along with Muslims have been very destructive to the country and most don't give a fuck about letting you know. But it's changed a lot. The country became bitches to the EU and Merkel's Leftist insanity.

Im not one of those people though i wished i could have explained to everyone who glared at me that i was american but i just let it go. Ended up hanging out with immigrants and had a great time. Galicia is lovely i love the language.

Yea, I'm Galician , was born here but moved to Queens when I was 5. I just recently moved back this summer, and a lot has changed since I last visited a decade ago. When I was in my early 20's I stopped by to visit family with my dark-skinned Dominican girlfriend and stayed at my apt. in A Coruna. Almost got beat up by some neo-nazi's. Ugly scene. I hate the left and what's become of my civilization and am a racial realist, but after that incident I could never allow far-right poison in my heart.

sounds like a nice place. you should have went to africa, be treated like a queen there

Free Catalonia

Fuck those cunts. But they're right on this account, Madrid is a fucking parasite that has been oppressing and raping the North for centuries now.

Let them suck themselves.

I'm in rural Spain

Fuckin chorizo nigger

I just grilled some chorizo criollos today. Guilty as charged.

I didn't realize so many retards not only listen to Alex Jones, but mindlessly repeat all of his drivel

They call them "useful idiots".

He's not broadcasting at the moment. So I've spoken before Alex here. But thank you for your astute, poignant analysis on the issue.

He's got you well-conditioned. It's okay to think for yourself.

I listen to him an hour or so a week. Doubt he's really conditioning me with anything besides his 5 head and collection of Rolex's.

Half the people in this sub (and half the sjw faggots on tumblr and twitter) feel no sympathy, just an intense rush of endorphins knowing that this massacre may bolster their political hot takes based on the ethnicity of the shooter. You're all horrible people who's brains have been infected by the internet. Kill yourselves

Cooool - said in Butthead voice. I stated I'm apolitical for the most part, but I find the current political landscape bizarre/interesting/fascinating/creepy. I'm just opening the board up to some Quanspiracy talk is all. After all, we all can't be awesome enough to be making wrestling cool again. How's that working out for your 145 lb frame anyway?

I'm 185 lbs of pure unadulterated terror and I also wasn't specifically talking about you so don't be such a butt hurt pussy

I was obviously fucking around, so swallow your own medicine there friend-o.

I was fucking around too. Except about the part where I'm 185 lbs of testosterone and sex appeal. That's 100% true


I feel only annoyance that we're going to talk about this for the next week and a half without coming to any conclusion about anything.

Just the same points being made over and over and over and over and over and over again.

There is no conclusion. Human race is over populated and completely sick and depressed. The internet has made everyone's brains so demented and sick it's just going to get worse. And guns will never be banned and religion will never go away so it will just keep on happening

Tss tss, whadda you Nostradumbarse or sumptin?

U r

shut the fuck up and show us your pussy you stupid hole

Sometimes it's best to just ignore bullies

Kill jews and free your mind

I'm sure the killer was a white racist Republican! Seeing as they haven't mentioned his race yet it's safe to assume he ain't white.

Also FBI jumped into the investigation within an hour. I don't know if they were in Aurora that fast in 2012 for James Holmes.

They were in on it. They were there before he was.

Only because they really wanted to see Batman

Your post didn't age well

Omg I was in that general area a few years ago! I feel lucky to be alive right now. Stay safe people

No thoughts and prayers for the family\? What kind of Redditor are you?

Gregg Hughes has some twitter hot takes.

A beautiful mind indeed.

The info going around that it's Charlie Ward is fake

Some guy on cnn just said he heard the shooters name was sam hyde

There was a Charlie Ward rumor going around too.

I’ve been edging for 5 hours and when they finally announced the death count at 26, I shot a 4-roper all over my futon. So satisfying; totally worth it.

It's a white autistic looking guy who was in the airforce.

Another selfish well-armed suicide. The kid looks dumb as fuck, he used to work at a bible camp for kids and was just getting into atheism according to his Facebook.

Probably inspired by the Vegas dude. Nothing to see here really, other than the fact he was killed by an awesome old dude who overpowered him, chased him down, and shot him... possibly with his own rifle.

What a piece of shit. SSSCCCCUUUUMMMMMBAAAGGG, man.

He was a white guy!

Ha Ha your stupid agenda is now shut down.

Where we a with the gun control?

I don't have an agenda. And what kind of white guy was he? Was he some leftist terrorist like the dude who shot up the congressional softball game or what Paddock was but are covering up, are you garden variety autist like Lanza or the Aurora piece of shit. As per gun control, he illegally obtained his firearms, so no different than some gangbangers or the massive narcotics trade, screwing over the overwhelming vast majority of legal gun owners whilst shitting on the constitution will not solve anything and only lead to far more dangerous repercussions.

Another drunk Irishman from the Kelly clan.

I haven't seen a picture of the piece of shit yet. Did he have the autistic Dutch boy spree shooter haircut?

Cooool - said in Butthead voice. I stated I'm apolitical for the most part, but I find the current political landscape bizarre/interesting/fascinating/creepy. I'm just opening the board up to some Quanspiracy talk is all. After all, we all can't be awesome enough to be making wrestling cool again. How's that working out for your 145 lb frame anyway?

I feel only annoyance that we're going to talk about this for the next week and a half without coming to any conclusion about anything.

Just the same points being made over and over and over and over and over and over again.

Galicia, in the NorthWest. But I just moved here from NYC a few months ago. But yea, Spaniards on account of their inferiority complex for being darker much like Greeks and Italians are a lot less politically correct and open about their racism. Your people along with Muslims have been very destructive to the country and most don't give a fuck about letting you know. But it's changed a lot. The country became bitches to the EU and Merkel's Leftist insanity.

sounds like a nice place. you should have went to africa, be treated like a queen there

shut the fuck up and show us your pussy you stupid hole

Tss tss, whadda you Nostradumbarse or sumptin?