Enough with the TMZ style Jim sexuality discussions.

0  2017-11-05 by [deleted]



I'd have legitimately killed myself in 2011 if I didn't have the show to come home to.

why what was wrong in your life at the time?

makes me wish ant got fired in 2011

me too.


Seriously guys, this needs to stop. I’d like to see more Jim and Ant appreciation posts please. Those two have done nothing but selflessly give us hours of entertainment, didn’t even ask for a dime-oh wait.

What is going on here?

Leave Britney alone

I’m not reading that whole thing

but don't you think Jimmy is unfunny NOW and just talks about himself seriously and rehashes old news stories that everyone already commented on?

I barely listen to Jim and Sam because of this. I agree that he's not been good on radio in a long time. But that doesn't mean we should turn into Entertainment Tonight because he likes dicks. And not everything he does is bad, the Podacast is amazing.

"Someone said that they wouldn't care what sexuality Jim was. Someone else responded by saying "he's a pedo and faggot who should burn." That's not a joke, or an attempt at one. It's like something a Westboro church member would say."

You sound like a massive fag bro