"We're gonna need a bigger dick"

22  2017-11-05 by Osama_Bin_Log_in


Mr. Holland's Anus

Mr. Holland's Gropus.

So, he's been telling this story as a humorous anecdote for years, but he's latently decided that it was rape? Cool.

That's not disingenuous at all.

That's Roy Scheider's line you sperg.

Close Encounters of the Turd Kind

"Over the course of about 20 seconds, centimeter by centimeter, Kevin crawled his hand from my thigh over toward my crotch. My mind went blank. Suddenly, he had completed his journey and now he had all of me in his hand. "


Now I get why broads buy porno books

You got city hands from grabbing cocks all your life.

ffs you're 18 years old, at least put up a fight

I absolutely fucking hate this devastation of Kevin Spacey. Everyone loved him a couple of weeks ago, now he's a source of hatred and gleeful ridicule. So he likes underage cock. SO WHAT? What's the point of being famous if you can't grope the occasional twink. People, I assume, still love Jagger, Bowie, Page, and Cumia. Four great men who were all verified fuckers of underage girls.

Down and out in Kevin Spaceys hand