Rappin' Jimmy (warning: will cause huge chills)

31  2017-11-05 by aPersonStranded


I miss old Chip.



My name is jimmy and I'm here to say chicks with dicks doesn't make you gay.

My name's Jim and I was a bit shocking, now I let a 6 foot man pink sock me


Oof. Ol Tough guy edgy Jimmy. Now he just edges to tough guys in drag.

I never want see that again.

Colin probably told him this was fine just so he could make an ass out of himself

probably, like that 'waka waka' joke lol In this episode they talked about about Eminem and rap, so at the end all of the guest had to make a song. Watch the whole thing, Keith Robinson's the worst

wow you should have posted Keith's. Its the worst thing I've ever seen a stand up do bar none.

ahah the stumbling negroid

My name's Jim and I was a bit shocking

now I let a 6 foot man pink sock me

My name's Jim and I was a bit shocking Now I let a 6 foot man pink sock me

I date a her from a him, & let him put his cock in.


Don't forget that I danced

Don't forget that I danced

He's like a cross between a teddy bear and a cherry stone clam.

Do I wanna hug him or dip the nigga in some cocktail sauce

Whoa. He rhymes good

It smells like a guys shit in here... Oh that's Norton's breath. My mistake.

It autoplayed and I had to close the browser.

probably, like that 'waka waka' joke lol In this episode they talked about about Eminem and rap, so at the end all of the guest had to make a song. Watch the whole thing, Keith Robinson's the worst