I want to eat Kay Timpf's heinie.

38  2017-11-05 by RBuddCumia


I bet her shits smell like strawberries

I bet they smell like shit. We must investigate further.

"Miss Timpf, I'm gonna need you to shit in this bag please"


Lynsi had to get a day job.

How much BBC do you have to take before your sphincter is so loose that it won't even make a dent into a strawberry.

Well that was unexpected.

I bet she pees purified water and shits orange Julius

I'd cover those glasses in cum and then humor her with questions about libertarianism and her "comedy"

She's okay but she's no Dave Smith

Her sister looks like a delicious whore too. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CyD9bClXEAA9HVA.jpg

She has a younger, hotter sister, so you know she does anal

I've heard the Timpf sisters do ass to ass

fuck her sister, I need to find out how her relationship with her dad is

Kay is way hotter. The sister looks like she has a touch of the downs.

I'd like to fuck them both until come comes out.

I bet her shit tastes like nigger cum, if you know what I mean.

fucking boo

You even use Norton's material. How cute.

yeah no one besides norton has ever said fucking boo

He has a point you dumb nigga. You're stupid flare is also Norton's shit.

suck his cock some more

Who your boyfriend Norton or your faggot half-nigger father? Which one, bitch?

Yo ease back nigga, his daddy suckn my balls. You can't have her till I'm done cumming in it's mouth.

If you suck the cum out of his dick after he's fucked your ass then yeah I bet it tastes like shit faggot

Nah it tastes like nigger cum, you stupid nigger.

If you suck the cum out of his dick after he's fucked your ass then yeah I bet it tastes like shit faggot

Hot take.

I would do anything to date/bang a right wing conservative or republican chick. My dream woman at this point. Anyone I can say "fag" around and they don't try to call the police on me.

She's not a conservative though.

The point still stands, she's a nice girl who'll make fun of fags and darkies with you.

Same thing if you date a fag

There is no such thing. Its a character they use to get a job. These cunts have no thoughts, no personality. They just dress hot and read from a script.

These cunts have no thoughts, no personality.

we know that because they are women

I'd choke fuck her

How big is her peckah? Amirite guys?

Her name is Kat.. As in Katherine.

Conservatives are going to have a real hard fall when they realize that a lot of the broads they use for PR are just retarded whores looking for attention and just tapped into that girlfriend thing where they parrot and absorb whatever the guy says.

I would make love to her with my heart...and also my peckah

I want to honk that big fucking nose and fart in her mouth.

suck his cock some more