Enjoy your cock sucking trip to Canada Jimmy?

37  2017-11-04 by Dennyislife


Do you guys think Jimmy's smiles are sincere?


"It was never a secret I was in Canada! I even took a video of myself in the airport!"

His bottom teeth are weird. Not opie level but not normal

They used to be fine - I guess Princess Alena has knocked them out of whack?

Ball gags will do that to ya

Opie is done, Ant is too toxic to employ, anyld my only Xmas wish is a downfall for Jim

Who the fuck is this person? I hate him. Every funny part of Jim's personality has been obliterated. All he has left is being unfunny but doing it "ironically" which still equates to just being unfunny.

The Chip Chipperson character is now a better person by every possible metric.

Jimmy described Chip as an autistic obnoxious idiot, or something to that effect.

Well he's a thousand times more likable than you, Jim.

fat jim was funny as fuck, this pretentious douche is not

Chip is a fucking faggot character as well. Take a step back and look at it again. It’s horribly unfunny.

Way to get the joke, faggot.

Redbar is a fucking faggot character as well. Take a step back and look at it again. It's horribly unfunny.

The biggest UFC event of the year is in his backyard, and Jimmy, as the co-host of the official UFC podcast, who can most certainly get front row tickets at MSG, but he goes to Canada to make a few thousand dollars after paying his first-class airfare and fancy boy hotel for him and his bodyguard to get him to and from the club without being mobbed by adoring fans?

Fucking yuck, he is a phony and a fake. His face before he knows the camera is running says it all, we are a failed tour as Chip away from another Robin Williams, and I cant wait.

Haven't you hear? Jim cancelled a gig and went up there on his own dime to play grab ass with that enormous man he's dating.

Jesus, that's even worse. I stopped listening to the show, I can't stand Jimmy anymore. Chip is still funny but Jim is insufferable. I just assumed he had gigs up there during the fight card of the year. What an unbelievable fag

And he mocked Artie for missing his gig due to addict stuff? Wow

Wait, he cancelled a paying job to go to canada and hang out with some dude who he has to pay?

Greasy saint werido or that English fella?

And new...again

That’s awful, he should call out Hendricks for the easy title Defense

I honestly couldn't tell when he was talking to Rogan if he was staying at 185 or moving back down

I really don't understand Jim. The guy is a millionaire, has been a part of a lot of interesting shit, travels regularly, and is one of the most genuinely miserable people I've ever seen. I know guys that make 20k a year who are much happier than this dude. I think his refusal to just embrace himself for what he is and his self loathing are destroying him as a person. I feel bad for the guy, all these people I used to find so entertaining have turned into miserable faggoty shells of their former selves.

I wonder how much money he has

It has to be a lot since he doesn't spend it on anything...he has no hobbies besides being a sexual deviant and his celebrity photo obsession. He's a lonely little man who looks like and has the testosterone levels of an old lesbian librarian. He sits alone in his giant apartment in the middle of one of the biggest centers of human activity in the world and he's just fucking miserable. Imagine if we could get a glimpse at all the times he's screamed at himself in the mirror while balling his eyes at 3 am after edging for 4 hours...it's just so fucking sad.

He's a broken person on a fundamental level and no amount of money, fame, or instant gratification is going to change that. People would literally kill to be in his position in life and he's so fucked up that he can't even give a genuine smile without looking like he's going to burst into tears.

If you only felt what you thought was genuine affection from tranny hookers... Would you be happy?

In that situation I'd find a tranny that wants a stable relationship with a rich older man and just embrace that lifestyle. There has to be some mentally ill 20 something out there that would cuddle Jim and pound his ass for six figures a year.

He spent tons of money on retarded shit like female personal trainers

His need to work with women (porn girls in studio, a female producer on the podacast, always touring with them) who he doesn't try to fuck is fucking odd

thats his play right, he pays them

He should just come out of the closet and take Colin, Artie, Ant, and Norm out with him.

Nothing like gettin' a little mud on the horse before you commit suicide.

Did anyone tweet him that dinner pic with the tranny asking for comment? pretending he cancelled the show on them of course so he has to respond

It looks like he is still holding the semen in his mouth.

Enjoy Poutine a Peckah in your mouth

Fawwwk yeah! Canadian yuma!

So his boyfriend isn’t allowed to come into the us.why? So weird how now jimmy has done more out of country shows this year then he has his entire career

Because he mother effed opie this year and has to keep milking that Ona fame before it completely dies down

He probably got arrested for defrauding closeted middle age men.

His refusal to just accept that he's gay is sad. Everyone knows Jim, and no one cares. It's 2017. It's ok. Straight guys aren't attracted to Dolph Lundgren with a tit job. Embrace yourself. You'll feel better.

Jim ripping Kirk Sinnamin. Hoo Hoo

*Colin Quinn

I see Jim is now flying with Delta instead of those ssssssssscccuuummbags on United

You know he didn't really plan this video out, he just got so emotionally excited in the moment about being with his partner that he had to make a fun, silly spontaneous video to vent his happiness

That Jimmy Norton, just loves fuckin the mentally ill. Sad man.

Is he doing a DeNiro impression? What's up with his facial expressions?