Has anyone Heard about ANTIFA Nov 4th Protest, also there's an EMP drill too.........

0  2017-11-04 by sarahemmingway

There may be some protest going on in major cities tomorrow and the their also may be a power outage drill called EMP..........


i pray to god, i've been so suppressed lately. this would make my year

For fuck sake, this is a sub dedicated to comedy and a defunct radio show. I come here to get away from shit like this. Please keep this garbage on Godlike Productions or Rense.

This post is proof that right wing propaganda turns people retarded.

hahahahaha compared to the leftist "let the muzzies in then when they kill we blame it on xenophobia" propaganda please. better safe then sorry antifa are spoiled kids and meth heads but they like to gang up

damn, son, I struck a nerve

I'll protect you girl.

(((Snopes))) but don't take my word for it.

Isn't Snopes run by two piece of shit degenerates.

Im almost certain it is ran by Ted Snopes

Does he have zn emporium?


You can stay safe in my bed.

Antifa, more like pro Do-Re-Mi or somethin.

Antifa is queer professors/ trannys /and obese women. not worried.

I'll be handing out thermite face paint to the protesters. Be sure to stop bye and say hi...