Smoking hot broad upset over catcalls

54  2017-11-03 by crookedmile


thanks, my dick will never harden again. also its a jew, also its just a trick to sell 40 (formerly 60) dollar tshirts.

also its a jew

Is it that obvious?

Her stupid glasses make her nose look like it would come off her face with them. Mr. Potato Head looking bitch.

Haha try me pal

She is the exact opposite of "curvy" she's a shapeless amorphous blob.

You know what, duuuuuuuuuude, you get a wig, get your cock cut off, everything is "problematic," BOOM. Fuckin' patriarchy, duuuuuude.

Was she the lawyer in The Wire

Pat from Moonachie is really tryna get that compound invite

Line of the day

I see Mike Bocchetti transitioned.

Yes that is straight up Bochetti face. And Bod.

High Pitch Erica looks pretty hot

She dresses like that and is shocked people say something. I really hate women.

Rockin' those 80 year old retirement home clogs.

She's the shape of the container you pour her into.

I'm all out of ugly piece of shit containers.

Look at her face. Look at her eyes. Look at the soulless glare of examining every angle of every thing you might say so she can be offended. Or even worse! Offended on behalf of someone else.

"Offended on behalf of someone else" - not like she was the one being cat-called

The only cat calls shes gotten is when her fat foot steps on one of her 4 cats

I'm not sure I would characterize that woman as "smoking hot". Oh wait... that's the bit, isn't it? :( God, I'm so dumb.

We could have made a lot of soap out that fat Sarah

The only thing catcalling her is diabetes.

Maybe Trump is onto something with calling out fake news.

This person is a perfect example of who not to grow up to be, young women.

Associate Fashion Editor at Plus Model Magazine


"Associate Editor"

so basically she has to spell-check the work of a another fat slob that writes columns for a shitty wannabe Village Voice freebie rag that nobody knows exists.

Depending on my mood and how sinister the harasser seems, my responses can range from stony silent glares to angry rebuttal to quickening my stride in fear. The latter rips at me the most

It writes itself.

She didn't write down run because we all know she is incapable of doing so.

yeah like jack the ripper or sumptin tsss

It rips her pants the most.

I'd still fuck her.

It really isn't worth it though. And she'd be terrible in bed. She literally would make you do EVERYTHING.

Banging feminists is usually no fun. They're never comfortable enough around ANYONE to even reach orgasm. The only way you'd get anywhere is if you were involved with her, but that would require an OVERWHELMING amount of patience.

Yeah but you dont feel as bad raping them because you can think "shell probably blame me anyway"

What the fuck is wrong with you? Id fuck Lena dunham a hundred times before i tried busting one in Kevin from the office

Haahahahhahahaha yea ok bitch

Middle fingers in a photo makes her that much more desirable. Holy shit is she a pig.

She doesn't follow societies rules, man!

I can't believe lena dunham put rocks up her cootah

"Your dick is way too big but I love my asshole bleeding" "I consider 6 foot 3 to be a manlet. 5'8 is the perfect height for a real man!" "The hair growing from the mole on your back makes me want to flick my bean in public right now"

all equally believable things that I have heard from women in the past week.

Feminists. Can't. Handle. ANYTHING.

Feminists: Claim to be strong women, feel victimized by literally everything.

Who gives a fuck dude

Not me. I'm just killing time before 5 babaaayyy.

I'm just so above it all, I don't give one fuck

Wow you’re such a cool dude

It's 2017 man, we use handclaps now


no one has ever cat called her

Clearly the only people cat calling her are niggers who love fat white bitches.

"Please don't catcall me!! Unrelated, here's a professional magazine photoshoot of me because I am totally not worthless and definitely not milking an extremely minor problem for attention and esteem."

I didn't know cheeseburgers could catcall.

But aren't catcalls mostly a tenent of black and Hispanic culture??? 🤔🤔🤔

We used mock fatsos catcalling telling them how sexy they were and they knew it no mistaking but this fat bitch wants a me story

Did you have a stroke sir?

I for one don't think she's particularly attractive.

She doesn't mention race, so you know it's not white guys.

I made sure to point that out in the comments section of her stupid blog post.

We all know exactly who it is if this woman is really being cat called

I believe that porker may be a bit delusional.

Only guys calling at her are the ones from the County fair trying to stick a blue ribbon on her

Dont post Andy Kindler here again, he stinks

Call cats not cat call

Nothing drives home just what uncreative cunts women are more than witnessing such a shit, lazy attempt at a slogan

Not to mention the fact that cats lack the cognitive capacity to even use a phone. I mean what was she thinking?

these are the only calls this chunk a cheese gets

also she's sellin those shitty shirts at 40 bucks a pop

I am legitimately laughed out loud at her "model" photos. I can't believe this is real. What a stupid world we live in

Please feel free to reach out to me [because you won't be able to reach around her] at [email protected] if this post struck a chord. I have so much more to say on this topic, and I would be honored to include your experiences if you want to share (anonymously or otherwise). Boo Hoo, Opie convinced me to come on his show and didn't tell me it was fatty pig fatty contest Boo Hoo.


"I mean it's sooo hard being an intelligent, attractive modern woman these days.. right gals??"

For her to purchase and then actually wear that stupid t-shirt screams of needing male attention.

Plus she's dressed like a Yugoslavian whore who's family is trying to get rid of her for a dowry of a bag of rice and a 3 legged pig during the annual livestock auction.

Plus she's dressed like a Yugoslavian whore who's family is trying to get rid of her for a dowry of a bag of rice and a 3 legged pig during the annual livestock auction.

That was your punchline. It was good. Gotta resist the urge to wander off into the weeds.

You know.. your 100 percent right.

I was in a rush and I knew it was wordy but was too lazy to fix it.

I've been studying one of the best comedians of our generation for tips.. He has this podcast on youtube.. It's fucking HILARIOUS.

It's called 100 percent Italia.......

I don't know about you fellas, but self-indulgent, victim-bragging fat ladies really give me a stiff one.

Lisa Lumpy-Belly

Ice cream cat calls.

Actually this woman is quite ugly!

She gets cat called as her "boyfriend" Mittens licks catnip off her oversized clitorous.

Sandpaper tongue yumor.


It's more likely that she overhears a lot of catcalling.

Yo, dat white nigga is ugly

holy shit... this pig isn't even fuckable enough to hide in the basement

I disagree. She's perfect for that.

I think they were shouting out "fat rolls"

Granted I’m not a woman and I haven’t gone outside in decades but I’ve never actually seen catcalling happen.

I have to wonder it’s just roofers or construction workers shouting at eachother in Spanish and this fat cunt assumes they’re shouting at her.

I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but there's a slight chance that she may just be lying.

I see it all the time and it's almost always spics and niggers doing it. The small percentage of white guys that I've seen do it were wiggers.

She’s a complete mess but I’d hit it.

So would most of you savages.

No. I have low standards and an unattractive personality. I wouldn't fuck that thing with your dick let alone mine.

Swing and a miss

feminists should be called "mush"

The worst part is, we're going to look back at shit like this as "the good old days." Social media is maybe ten years old; can you imagine the kids being born right now growing up completely steeped in this, inundated with nonsense like this 24/7? Life is going to be fucking unbearable when Im 60. If there hasn't been a civil war yet.

I feel like it can't last. Most people don't think like this and there is going to be a massive push back. It's already begun really. Even most leftists don't actually think like this and don't like these people, though many choose to remain silent out of fear. The people who hate this type of SJW drivel more than anyone are the old progressives who have worked their entire lives for feminist ideas and other such things.

Im waiting for that “have you no sense of decency Joseph McCarthy moment.

This narrative of women and girls being the real problem has been drilled into our heads generation after generation, and it is so deeply ingrained that we often internalize the idea even while consciously disagreeing with it. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve caught myself saying “and I wasn’t even wearing anything revealing!” while complaining about the latest instance of harassment.

I love this line of reasoning because its basically admitting that women are stupid and impressionable.

The perfect example of fat and ugly privilege.

She quite appropriately is wearing a skirt that looks like a garbage bag.

Feminists who want to be "Models" or support the Fashion industry like this are fucking rubes. Easily the most exploitive and corrupt mainstream industry that woman still can't break away from.

Its a fucking disease. When it comes to "fashion", dudes don't care, woman only care because they have been brainwashed since birth by other woman into caring.

I used to date a feminsist (was actually great cause she got off me fucking other girls so they could feel the same pleasure she felt)

But she was obsessed with body image, make up, and getting plastic surgery in the future.

A lot of feminism seems like virtue signaling from single girls. Literally agree with feminists enough to the point you can use their own flawed logic against them on some judo shit.

After I stopped caring about threesomes and getting girls to want to do deviant shit I stopped caring about this shit. Probably low testosterone, or I finally realized my time is more important than indulging in someones dellusional "revolution" so I could fuck 2 girls at once.

I guess she figures since she looks like garbage, she might as well make a skirt out of a garbage bag.

Whale calls


Bleep-bloop, I'm a bot. This portmanteau was created from the phrase 'Whale calls'.

  1. This didn't happen

  2. If it did she would love it.

Pig calls maybe.

I read this article. In the words of my favorite big tittied judge: "this seems a little farfetched."

"Here are 20 unrelated photos of myself in my article about physical objectification."

Nice to see Billy Bob's date from Sling Blade is still in the news.

Eric looking good. Where's Tim?

She is subtly trying to brag about men finding her desirable, whether she realizes this or not. Though I honestly have a hard time believing that this actually happens to her a lot. Maybe she just has witnessed happening to other women.

She didn't write down run because we all know she is incapable of doing so.


yeah like jack the ripper or sumptin tsss

It rips her pants the most.