Yes they had gay pride flags in WW2 and if you have any problems with this you're literally a nazi

6  2017-11-03 by CONCHOPETEghostcock


ok im a nazi, fuck you

Only pooftahs play videogames anyway. Why don't you grow up and stop bitching about what gay kids do on the internet?

Duh...i dont get vidya games. You people with your pongs and pacmans. Go build a table. Uhuru!!!!

Spot on Opie impression bruthahman.

Thanks for the input, gramps

I wasn't going to buy it but now I am double not going to buy it. I'm shocked there isn't a BLM flag or Antifa.

Who gives a shit man, racist cunt

I just realized there is a BLM flag in the middle. I rest my case.

Fuck you


U mad, nigger.

Gays aren't a race fucko.

Whatever dude who gives a shit. I don't care.

U mad, nigger.

No, I don't give any shits.

U mad, nigger.

The irony is that BLM and antifa are a bunch of racist niggers and faggots. Keep crying, pussy bitch boi.

well shit.... seig heil then futhamuckas

While the setting is ww2 they still have to have the shit that every other cod has had for a while. Is the weed calling card on the next page?

Ernst Röhm, loyal Nazi and leader of the SA Brownshirts was gay. Hitler had him and his bed buddies shot.

Hitler seems like a real party pooper

Röhm seems like a real bed pooper after the battering his asshole took

Anthony Cumia over here.

Whatever dude who gives a shit. I don't care.