Patton Oswalt is a projecting faggot.

62  2017-11-03 by RBuddCumia


I still like old Patton, pre twitter he's one of my favorite standups. He got big during Bush years and rode that wave into big hollywood jobs and just kept going left. He's really turned into a short fat lesbian.

When Patton came in to O&A and would discuss shit like Joe Piscopo or those weird old episodes of sitcoms that dealt with serious issues like child abuse, that was all great. And I don't even care that much about his politics, except that it's somehow engulfed the entirety of who he is. And actually I enjoyed him discussing things with Anthony because they both acted like adults, which is shocking given how they've both turned out nowadays.

Whether or not you like Donald Trump, the last thing anyone needs is another person who thinks they know better than anyone else and gives political opinions in the form of short, self-righteous "burns." Doesn't matter what opinion you have. If your goal is to prove how smart and good and correct you are, then you're a cunt.

That, plus all this weird shit about his wife taking so many drugs, it's just fucking bizarre.

well put man, anyone who needs to prove how smart they are, are preoccupied with that perception, because they're not smart. I hate social media so much.

Looking through the posts of people who seem to make a career out of making counter points towards celebrities tweets are even more douche chilling

patton still gets a slight pass from me, lost his wife in the last year, i avoid his twitter and hes not as gay as david cross

Forgot about Cross.. fuck why do these funny guys have to ruin it with their opinions on politics

i can explain about cross if you like. I was about his number one fan, no exaggeration, at one point. Edgy teenager stuff YEAH MAN fuck the church etc....yeah whites are racist (but it wasnt so finger wagging like, it was sorta like the in joke and w/e) I loved mr show like it was some inside club or something. He's a jew, he has a stick up his ass against white southern rednecks because he's indulged by jew hollywood, which definitely hates white christians, specifically southern white straight males. these are often the pickup truck drivers, that join the army and probably beat the shit out of him in high school which he alludes to in his act. he is an admitted crackhead / cokehead with 'depression issues' and he sure didn't marry no jew broad. he is exactly what you think he is, if you just lose the perception that's been forced down our throats, ohhh theyre just like us, let them be... kicked out of about 100 countries for a fucking reason and it aint a good one.

I figured the heroin bits were from first hand experience. I thought the sky mall bit was so funny though and I loved him in arrested development. I don't really care what race or color he is just don't appreciate how him and Patton pander to dumb liberals in between being funny

I care only because it so often comes into play. I'm not an ignorant stormfag who says every single one of them needs to pay collectively for the sins of the few. Cross however is an obnoxious hollywood jew, who ironically bitches about the whiny screechy element of hollywood. Yea the heroin bit aswell i was trying to remember if hed mentioned that, not a good track record. I didnt watch arrested dev. im not into alot of tv, curb your enthusiasm is about my favorite comedy of all time. patton is a good goy.

He killed his wife.

Oh, like maybe how women who remind you constantly how brave they are might actually be insecure slits with persecution complex?

If your goal is to prove how smart and good and correct you are, then you're a cunt.

Subliminally I think that's what it is, but what they tell themselves is that they're "saving the world". "If enough of us scream loud enough, they can't ignore us!" (actually that's 90% of people in general.)

devils advocate: he could still come into do a show with Ant (hypothetically) and riff on old sitcoms and shit, I'm sure. None of the things we used to like about him have changed. The thing is that we're seeing daily interactions with these people on a medium that is NOT meant for telling jokes, NOT meant for intellectual discourse, or saying anything that makes people like Patton famous or notable. The ONLY thing people like Patton can do on twitter is be hateable douches. His politics haven't changed, nor have his abilities, just that all jerkoffs think they have another avenue for expressing themselves outside of their act (which is the only important part about them.)

How many careers has twitter launched vs how many it has destroyed? Not even careers, how many people have become likeable on twitter vs hateable.

People have fuck all to say when they haven't planned it, rehearsed it, and edited it for public consumption. Just look at this place.

But Twitter is, like you said, just a medium for communicating. It isn't inherently a place to become a hate-worthy douche, so I disagree with you on that. There's plenty of clever ways to use Twitter that have no relationship to politics or screaming out half-considered opinions.

I mean, jesus, Opie's tits have an account (or at least they did at some point). Oftentimes terrorist acts and certain types of crime get reported first on Twitter before police are informed. It's a way for people to all comment on the same event simultaneously like the World Series or the Superbowl. Not every event is politics, not every story is politics, not every joke is. And he should understand how limiting making political comments on Twitter is.

Patton is choosing to be a douche on Twitter, Twitter isn't forcing him to be one. And yes I do think Twitter has changed him, in the same way that access to computers has changed all of us vs. how we'd otherwise be.

As for the unrehearsed thing, I don't know how much time you expect him to have. And this subreddit isn't really an example of what you're saying either, I don't actually understand the last point you make.

The last point is that there used to not be an avenue for famous people or politicians to just spout off on a whim like a normal person at a bar. You only heard or read what they had put considerable thought into or were somewhat prepared for like an interview. It's just an inherently different thing to say these things in an impersonal way while sitting at home in a comfy chair getting slightly buzzed.

That's the bottom line too. He had the same politics while he was still being funny, he could disagree with anthony or the fans while still being alright on the show. Saying these things into the air and being hateful to someone that isn't in front of you is different. Sure, the things you do on twitter is a choice but the nature of it being so impersonal really skews how people behave. This subreddit and other internet havens are a perfect example of that.

And, personally, I wouldn't go to social media for breaking news. Plenty of examples of that being useless. I can see why it could be useful, but in practice I'm skeptical on that. And do you care what every housefrau has to say about the superbowl? Does anybody actually read what other people have to say, or are they just hoping that they get heard? Clever and twitter are not usually uttered in the same sentence. Colin is the exception that proves the rule, everything he says proves how stupid people act on twitter.

I agree that he's probably still capable of being funny on air if the topic is right, but you can definitely use twitter to be funny. It's just that almost nobody actually tries to do that which is fucking insane especially when it comes to comedians. Nick Mullen was great at it.

well i guess you just have to ask why that is. I mean, they have multiple platforms to choose to be funny on, clearly they feel focusing on their twitter game isn't worthwhile and they revert to just discussing the other areas of their life that nobody should care about.

really makes me sound like a curmudgeon, but I just think it's smarter for people to begin shrinking their social media presence now. So much to lose, so little to gain.

Dvv dvvvv!

Getting attention for safe mainstream political opinions is 10x easier than being funny by writing jokes. Human laziness is a big component of this mass political circle jerk happening in the media and social media.

It's a bunch of people patting each other on the back for their ability to produce lazy trite opinions. And everyone calling them out on it is just an 'alt-right troll' or 'libtard'.

this is very well written. peckahs my good sir.

Patton was one of the better guests on the show. Watch this clip where he puts them onto "Fernwood 2Night" which made politically incorrect jokes and he's laughing at them.

yea that was a good apperance, i love his first 3-4 standups and on mr show, hes a dicklick now

couldn't get into the new mystery science theater bc of him

he killed his wife

Yeah I'm too distracted by what an asshole he's become. Same thing with TV's Frank, too. I don't watch the new stuff with him. Luckily I have Rifftrax to rely on. Mike was better anyway.

TV's Frank is insufferable now. Not that he was ever that funny outside of MST3K.

I actually got annoyed when Frank commented on Ant's firing. Mostly I was just shocked that Frank even knew who Cumia was.

It's a testament to how likeable Mike is, even Frank likes him and Mike is a !GASP! Christian and a fairly conservative dude.

twitter destroys everything. overexposure is bad enough but it also ruins people's brains. this place is OK though so don't worry

thank god!!! I love this place

His girl has him on a chastity belt.

and soon he'll have her in a pine box.

If there's one thing I respect Patton for, it's commitment to killing old women.

Nothing more heroic than beauty pageants featuring women who’s never faced adversity in their lives.

being a woman IS ADVERSITY YOU INCEL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What does this "incel" word even mean? English is not even my native language and I've been seeing it used as a generic insult on reddit. Is it the lefts equivalent of calling someone a cuck or something?

It's a commie buzzword from Chapo Traphouse or some gay shit like that I think

Vol Cel is where its at


Involuntary celibate


Bleep-bloop, I'm a bot. This portmanteau was created from the phrase 'Involuntary celibate'.

OP is Patton Oswalt then

They found the last area in society where women aren't bitching about life randomly. Good job ladies, and the obese goblins who support them.

I mean I'm not a person who worships troops or cops or whatever but, on behalf of troops and cops, fuck Patton and fuck these underfed cunts who do whatever they read on their phone.

Wow. Actual pandering faggot.

How long is his cycle? When did his wife die?

This is chilling.

wow look at these beautiful pageant ladies. i’d like to marry then murder one of them.. mmmmhmmm

Actual wife killing faggot.

I love getting preached to about oppression by out of touch millionaires.

I wish he'd project his brains on a wall.

This is the sort of thing a 21 year old college girls says. Not a fucking fat, rich, male comedian

What is he projecting here? I don't see any projection, this is just run of the mill being a faggot

wtf is he talking about? stick to marital murder you confusing dwarf.....

Remember my brothers, Women are the niggers of the Vorld.

It's a commie buzzword from Chapo Traphouse or some gay shit like that I think

Involuntary celibate


Bleep-bloop, I'm a bot. This portmanteau was created from the phrase 'Involuntary celibate'.

Vol Cel is where its at

i can explain about cross if you like. I was about his number one fan, no exaggeration, at one point. Edgy teenager stuff YEAH MAN fuck the church etc....yeah whites are racist (but it wasnt so finger wagging like, it was sorta like the in joke and w/e) I loved mr show like it was some inside club or something. He's a jew, he has a stick up his ass against white southern rednecks because he's indulged by jew hollywood, which definitely hates white christians, specifically southern white straight males. these are often the pickup truck drivers, that join the army and probably beat the shit out of him in high school which he alludes to in his act. he is an admitted crackhead / cokehead with 'depression issues' and he sure didn't marry no jew broad. he is exactly what you think he is, if you just lose the perception that's been forced down our throats, ohhh theyre just like us, let them be... kicked out of about 100 countries for a fucking reason and it aint a good one.