Do you think Lynsi is still fucking Bam?

15  2017-11-03 by NortheastPhilly

Or has she become a cougar and moved on to the likes of Ryan Sheckler and Shaun White. The Winter X games are coming up.



Who else? Opie is banned to the beach house.

The king in exile.


I stand corrected

No, but she's definitely getting a plethora of different dick on the regular.

Various shades too, heavy towards the black, almost purple tones.


I'd like to see her hook up with someone like Brendan Schaub, the MMA fighter that does podcasts. Just imagine how bummed Opie would be to know his old lady is getting slammed by some good looking professional fighter with a successful broadcast career.

And a pekkah that doesn't resemble a sad stack of dimes with a hat.

Were you typing that with one hand?

Bro, Brangton Schwabby is a fucking 2/10.

If Lynsi was getting her lower back blown out by Luke Rockhold, then it would be at least be believable.

Also he beats his women. Perfect

I saw an article months ago that said Bam moved to Spain. He probably flies her out there on the regular and fills her pussy with cum and her ass with spicy Chorizo.

I think Opie, Lynsi, and Bam have a relationship comparable to De Niro, Sharon Stone, and James Woods in Casino.

My theory is that the years have not been kind to her, so now Opie's panicking because deep down he's an emotionless sociopath who wanted a "trophy wife", not the 3rd hottest teacher at your average high school.

Lynsi meanwhile has to be 100% sick of his shit by this point. With his track record of destroying every professional relationship he's made, leaving people like Ant & Jimmy despising him, there's no way his narcissistic beta male bullshit has magically stayed out of his romantic life. But she loves the kids, as all mothers do, and Gregg still provides cash so she raises the kids and gives Opie plenty of time to go to the beach by himself.

Probably nursing an addiction to something, a lot of women I know crave social media - the obsession with getting positive feedback from others. Opie's rule that her and the kids cannot have any social media, because we'll find it and make fun of them, it's gotta drive her to pills, booze, whatever. The truth is, Lynsi & the kids won't be in any actual physical danger if they decide to go public on social media. But every picture of Hudson at the baseball game or his daughter at the dance recital, Uncle Paul in the comments. SHURE. Opie can't take the joke, and Lynsi wonders about the other men she could have married and raised children with, being free of the threat of your husband's ex-fans attacking him by impersonating a fictional pedophile.

And they say journalism is dead

his daughter at the dance recital

More like dunce recital.

Rich Vos will be performing at Uncle Vinnies in New Jersey on November 8th.

She hasn't had any more kids lately, so maybe not.

I don't mean to screw up DA BIT but I honestly believe Bam when he says he doesn't know who she is. She fucked the CKY and Jackass personalities from the bottom up, not from the top down. Example...she fucked Rake Yohn. She was several levels below what Bam and Knoxville were getting in at the time.

Best explanation I've heard.

i’m sure she’s fucking other guys now.

I hear she blew Kelly Slater

No, she never found Phil attractive. There's plenty of other people in Manhattan.

We should all start fucking Lynsi. At the same time.

For a new listener, is there any audio for this bit? I've heard of Bam fucking Opie's wife a few times. Is this just the sub saying things like "Patton Oswalt murdered his wife" or is it like the Sue incident where there is no audio and all the drama was just played out on the sub?

Wow, didn't know chaunce was in the O&A universe too! Thanks for the link brotha man!

So completely true you mean!

Since Opie has been fired ive seen Zero mention of spending time with the family so i can only assume Lynsi took the kids and left Opie months ago

The bigger question is ... are Lynsi and Tits even still together. I'm surprised this place hasn't flushed out an answer yet.

I do know this much: no way her and the kids have been with him at the beach house for two months straight. I suspect they are done.

I stand corrected