Poor Antwan can’t even enjoy a video game

60  2017-11-03 by AntwansBobo


Black officers in WWII? Its not Tuckaseegee airmen

Again who cares it’s a video game that old racist tranny fucker can not let his racism go to suspend disbelief and have a good time playing a game

i-it's just a game bro! I hate faggots like you. Probably the same kind of retard who justifies the same retarded shoehorned diversity in historical films because "it's just a movie, bro" despite that it winds up looking like a community college play production.

Fuck you. Ant might fuck trannies, but his point on immersion is completely valid.

Hi Anthony , how are you ??

Not an argument.

Muh immersion!

What else are people playing a linear first person game like Call of Duty for? game mechanics? Fuck out of here.

Fun? Whining about immersion is neck beard faggot shit. Wahhh I saw a black person and remembered how shitty my life is!


Typical indolent non-white response. Probably the same logic you use lighting up a crack pipe.

You don't think these are guys getting pussy on a regular basis?


It is a game based on an Historical setting not Game of Thrones. Stop with the post modern inclusion social engineering angle. Thats why I stopped reading Io9 website.

Hi joe , I didn’t know you played video games like your brother, did you ride the lightning too ? ; )

Hi Bobo. You still got a mangled Pekah?


Son what is wrong with you

Ok Voss did you type this after eating a “leg of zamo”?

Remember when his racism was a bit? They've all become weird cartoon versions of themselves. Opie is losing his mind on a beach somewhere while his wife fucks whoever she wants, Norton is playing Russian roulette with tranny cocks, and Ant isn't sure if he should be running from his gay thoughts or the scary black boogeyman.

I would just like to say that our racism on the sub is not a bit and Jews should all be interned.

And just because I upvote you people and laugh at ((jokes)) doesnt mean I have to agree with you ignorant cunts politically either.

I don't take one thing I read or write on Reddit seriously. I think this is the worst place to come and act in a serious manner. Peckahs.

tsss or maybe just full time employees or sumptin

it was never a bit, he was delivering his preference for europeans in a comedic manner. that's it. Did you not see the first video ant ever made, the one that got him on opie's show?

Good point, but at least it used to be delivered in a comedic way. Now it's just a lonely old man yelling into the void of social media and it's just sad.

i dunno, i think artie and him are developing into something and i like it

Yeah probably because you align with them politically, and intellectually, but it's hard for people not on the Faux-news train to give a care about this stuff. When it's wrapped in something funny I don't care what your political stance is and it's not isolating your comedy to a small political/geographic niche.

please dont say faux news.

i hear what youre saying but look at it this way, by your own wording i can infer you arent in agreement with ant politically, artie isnt all that conservative hes kinda like an italian patrice he just likes old school dirty jokes. alot of shit needs to kinda...hmmmm germinate until its really good. how long has artie been going in to the show? couple a 6 weeks? they are still getting their tempo, getting a buzz and regular fan that work and the whole thing. check back in, in a month if youre not digging it. if arties not dead i gurantee itll be better. in regards to small niche audience, what do you care? I listen to shows that have a couple hundred listeners, if ya like it, ya like it. salud!

I am actually mostly in agreement. I used Faux News in italics sarcastically (like Ant says it sarcastically) instead of saying /s. Because /s is for faggots, sir.

Yea libertarian is fine, but you only get to be libertarian when a fascist keeps you safe via walls and guns. Libertarianism only works in a remote location of like minded coethnics.

John Birch Society has been cucked for decades, it would make sense if Ant does actually follow them, soft ass half measure mother fuckers.

I'd love a small government, once we dismantle this very large government. Destroy welfare, destroy the fed, stop invading places for the MIC. Print your own money based upon your labor. You agree with that? You're a Nat Soc.


Libertarianism only works in small societies*, like America was in the 1800-1920s. As soon as it gets large, the state grows too large and bureaucratic. Then the Iron Rule of Bureaucracy takes over (aka as organizations grow the smart capable people who get shit done are replaced by useless administrators):


I believe the biggest mistake America ever made was severely reducing state rights and being totally anti-secessionist. They should let states secede. Let these new states experiment, show the US how it's down properly in a smaller efficient state, then reabsorb them with some concessions to be more like a small functional state. Or just let the 50 states have more power and adapt internally.

But anyway I don't think this is the place or time to debate this shit. And I usually get bored of politics by my second drink on a Friday.

we don't disagree at all

Seriously, at least be funny about it. I tried to listen to Dipaolo's show from last night, and I got through about 15 min of him ranting about liberals and blacks before I gave up. How can he think that's any better than the liberal comedians and talk show hosts who just constantly hammer Trump? It's the same unfunny shit, and it's draining.

The only time Dipaolos show is decent is when another comedian like Bobby Kelly is on or else he's just a one dimensional old man ranting about shit he knows nothing about. I want to like Dipaolos show but the ranting about black people for 2 hours several times a week is exhausting.

I'm surprised to see this upvoted, this sub hates Patton and Jim Jefferies because they insert their politics into their comedy but listened to Ant Jimmy and diapalo for years but because their politics align they get a pass.

Yeah actively hanging out on niggermanias message board in your free time isn't a bit.

Yeah cuz it's racist to not like black woman nazis, what a faggot

Yeah not liking black woman nazis is so racist, you are such a faggot

he literally thought planet of the apes was about black people too

he's insane...it really has gotten to the point where if there's a black character that isn't a side character he instantly goes OMG LIB SHIT

He wasn't wrong about Planet of the Apes. The movie is clearly BLM allegory. Did you see it?

you're retarded

It bothers him because the black chick slaps you in front of a large group of people if you try to take a picture of her.

This ain't your show!

Black chick giving you orders? Hits a little too close to home, eh Anthony?

IF Sue Lightning was a black... wouldja?

No because then he wouldn't have the little shriveled peckah that tricks the brain into thinking this is kinda sorta ok maybe.

He's a sad piece of shit.

He's talking about Wolfenstein, right?

Ant is an asshole I'd be lying if that game didn't make me roll my eyes.

It’s still a game , who gives a shit

Most people don't give a shit enough to complain, sure, but there's a lot of rolling of eyes. Most people are starting to notice the same thing and the backlash has been noteworthy.

It bugs Ant enough to be a fixation, but it bugs quite a few people that don't allow it to ruin their lives as well.

Are you saying Wolfenstein is a liberally slanted game because the game's central theme (killing Nazis) coincides with the Alt-Right's new found love with white supremacy? If so, you're fucking retarded. The entire premise of Wolfenstein since the first game (1981) was about killing Nazis.

No, he's saying the premise/franchise was co-opted by the political correctness movement. Still a decent game though

The marketing for the game capitalized on that too. Pretty smart way to generate attention for it honestly

It's a pretty smart way to crucify sales.

How so? Anyone who knows wolfenstein knows what it's about and any political faggot on Twitter will see an anti Nazi advertisement and be intrigued

Political faggots don't play games. They just talk about them.

Then it gets people talking about it that normally wouldn't. How do you think it crucified sales?


Wolfenstein has always been a game about being saved by topless preggos.

She took off her shirt for literally no reason.

They do a bit of ham-handed foreshadowing a level before with some radio com dialogue where she's letting you know her cootah is getting fuckin' damp on account of being a hormonal wreck because of the pregnancy. That's what I read into it at least.

But yeah, the game purposefully gets ridiculously campy like that at times.

Still fun as shit, would recommend. Highly satisfying to mow down a corridor with dual wield shotguns and watch all the limbs fly around.

The shotgun in that game is the shit.

Still liked the new order more though, although the over the top hitler, preggo commando, and beginning decapitation scene were great.

It had horrible hit registration though, you look away for a second and you're at 20 health

And the small pickup radius, the atrocious checkpoints, it definitely has some design choices that seem to make it unnecessarily frustrating.

I do appreciate that some of those elements make the game feel unique compared to most FPS released post Halo/CoD. Being forced to use the actual "save" feature instead of relying on checkpoints had me reminiscing about playing Half-life and Return to Castle Wolfenstein back in "the day" as they say.

New Order was great too, I've tried to get into Old Blood but I wasn't as instantly hooked as I was as soon as I started the ther two.

it's about how it's done, we all know wolfenstein is a nazi killing game. wtf does a 70s balxploitation female sassy afro woman have to do with any of that, let alone all the other heavy handed leftist appeals in this shit tier game?

Nah they clearly went with a commie leaning for this one. The whole plot is that white people are complacent with the nazi regime and walk around the street in Klan outfits, and you have to join a ragtag group of blacks and heebs to take down the white male patriarchy.

No, it's not that. It just kinda annoys me because it's such a safe, uncontroversial, boring premise. Literally no one likes Nazis. Even actual real life Nazis couldn't like the Nazis as they're portrayed in the game.

Actually the game itself doesn't bother me, it's just silly and over-the-top. But every time you read a review or hear someone talk about the game, they inevitably say something like "Nazis are bad. I like killing them."

Way to express the safest, least controversial opinion possible you boring ass.

Literally no one likes Nazis

says a guy who just got on the internet 1 week ago.

if you haven't heard, Nazis were actually the good guys in WW2, fighting (((rothschild))) bankers. Our system of (((capitalism))) and (((democracy))) needs to be replaced by a collectivist white-ethno state, otherwise America is doomed.

And punnnnt

But that's what Wolfensteins always been about. You think it should change its MO because the premise seems safe? That's almost a political pandering in itself.

the games sales are a shit, feels good man

But but... everyone is bending over backwards to tell me how important it is politically.

“It's a refreshing, diverse and audacious scene unlike any I've encountered in a AAA video game.” - Jessica Conditt

Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus Review: The Ballsiest Game of the Year.

Like Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus—that game has something to shout from the damn rooftops, and it's this: Fuck complacency. Fuck oppression. Fuck Nazis. - GQ

Wolfenstein II turns killing Nazis into uplifting political commentary - Verge

Apparently it also really easy and treats you like an idiot. As would be expected from this audience.

oh yea these pillars of integrity, hang on gotta go spend 60 bucks

I love games about killing Nazis.

I don't love games that have FDR (but a black woman) stare directly into the screen and say "YASSS QUEEN! DONALD TRUMP IS ADOLF HITLER" and make copies of Hillary's book replace health power ups.

Nothing wrong with killing Nazis in video games. I don't care what your political position is WW2 has generated some of the best fiction/media/games of any topic.

The only difference is when people think they are fighting Nazis in 2017 because 50yr old unemployed coal workers in key swing states voted for Trump more than Hillary.

Exactly. Call of Duty 1 was not controversial. Nobody felt bad about blasting fascists.

But when the line of the day has been calling GWB, a pretty liberal conservative, "Hitler", for almost 2 decades, and anyone to the right of extreme left a "Nazi", yeah, it's a little worrying that people wanna "punch" them or make games about shooting them, or put a lot of words in "quotes". I'm a "stupid faggot".

The black lady from MadTV calls you a white boy and then chides white people for being racist. That annoyed the fuck out of me. I gotta side with Anthony here.

Or is he talking about the new COD WWII?

If they injected a black woman into that game I'd be pretty furious as well, regardless of whether I'm I notorious racist transexual lover or not

I just can't understand why he's been talking about how gaming is his life for the past 17 years, but all he knows about is the mainstream bullshit like CoD. This nigga bases his purchasing decisions on posters at Gamestop.

He's an old man. He doesn't know any better.

He used to play shit like Everquest until Obama broke his brain and all he could think about was gunning down jigaboos.

He used to play shit like Everquest until Obama

yuck, he shouldn't have been playing in 2007

he's a triple A gaming fag. he's never played journey or limbo or gunpoint.

Never took bong rips in high school

I kept taking creepshots but she just stood there repeating mission dialogue instead of ruining my life. Terrible AI

I feel the same way about gay marriage in Skyrim. But getting 'immersed' in a videogames is generally the purview of small children. Not sixty year old alcoholics. Does he go to Disneyland and complain that he can see Goofey's real eyes?

Why would you feel that way about gay marriage in Skyrim, there's no anti gay sentiment at all in Tamriel, there's no reason for there not to be gay marriage.

75% of every race hates the other races. Except for Redguards, of course.

Only thing that came close was that one storyline with the chick who was being chased. Redguard-on-Redguard crime.

Well yeah, interracial marriage in Tamriel would be pushing it for the most part, but that's got nothing to do with the gays.

He means not being able to swing on a chick takes him out of the game.


"Get passed"

Only Bill Gates and Albert Einstein can spell it properly

(((Albert Einstein)))

Ant used to talk about how shitty life would be if you spend it SEARCHING for reasons to be offended.

It must be equally as annoying seeing "liberal" bullshit in every single interaction with every single non-white.

"Local man who hates people getting offended, gets offended."

Exactly. He thinks racism is part of the official republican party platform. He was all butthurt when trump issued a statement condemning white supremacists.

The girl from Half Life is black and gives you orders, he talked about that game a ton and never got upset about her race. He really has become a sensitive old fuck

HL is not set in 1941-45.

and the counterpart in question is not giving you orders outright, but serves as a mate.

That's even MORE of a nightmare for Tranpa.

Because she doesn't have a cock?

HL is not set in 1941-45

Neither is Wolfenstein II.

We are talking about the current call of duty, you gaslighting nig

No, we're not. This thread is about Wolfenstein.

aaah what do i know about video games, they're all the same to me. just give me a container of coffee for the worksite and i'll build you the real thing.

She wasn't an obnoxious black power stereotype though.

So glad this game is bombing

This game isn't bombing anywhere except on the user made Steam reviews controlled by hordes of losers even more cynical than this sub (most of the bad reviews on Steam also just happen to be their first review, we all know Facists spend more time on the internet). It's a brilliant cinematic first person shooter. Sorry the $60 price tag is too much for you and your computer can't handle it. You sound like such a dumb fucking faggot I'm actually embarrassed for your family.

Money wouldn't be a problem since I just built myself a $2100 computer this past March. I went ahead and bought other superior games instead of wasting my money on a cinematic FPS shooter (lol at a cinematic FPS game being any good).

Eat my shit.

Wow sorry I didn't realize I was talking to a faggot

Dawwwww, you're so cute when your mad sweetie! :)

It's the multiplayer side that's not doing so hot. Lots of connection issues, huge changes to the killstreak system, weird glitches.

Same shit as every other piece of shit CoD game. The game peaked with Modern Warfare, everything after that is just cashing in on the name and the urge people have to always be playing the newest, shiniest game.

Bombing ...lol

What game is he talking about? COD? Wolfenstein?

When you're so obsessed with your racial ideology that you can't even enjoy your hobbies anymore.

Eh, it's weird that Call of Duty chose to put in diversity to a WW2 game. Either way the game is shit and Ant is an out of touch queer for playing that garbage.

They're not talking about call of duty.

Well he has his shit protected so I can't tell. Plus the new CoD dropped today, where Wolfenstein dropped last friday, so that doesn't really make sense.

I don't get why some people love to find shit to be bothered by. Seems like a miserable way to live.

This fucking cocksucker has literally turned into a kind of social justice warrior. The fact that some black bitch is leading a resistance in a goddamn video game should mean fucking nothing. Even if it from a perspective of inclusivity who gives a fuck? This is not the place to set up a podium.

"There's a black person in this game, I would like to return it."

Racism truly is a mental illness, isn't it?

He's such a sad angry old fuck. He has such an easy life yet hatred of blacks consumes his every thought.

I'm picturing Anthony driving his Jaguar to Gamestop for the midnight release, making everyone else waiting for it uncomfortable because he's talking to everyone in "cool dad" ways.

Right-wing snowflakes are butthurt over a video game that's been in development long before Trump was elected and long before the recent uprising of White Nationalism. It's fucking hilarious you fucking fools think this game is about you. You're worse than the PC Left.

Cumia is a pro-abortion pedophilic racist who despises traditional family values, he ain't right-wing.

So robots, railguns, lasers, dual wielding 50mm chainguns, and taking bullets to the face, then recovering to full perfect health by running over a medpack are historical.

But "immersion" is killed because Anthony doesn't like the gender or skin color in a cutscene.

What a precious, delicate old lady he's become.

From the game series that brought us Mecha-Hitler.

Exactly what I was thinking.

But that was back when Anthony was funny and the blacks weren't out to get him. A simpler time

I made all my classes the black chick character model in hopes I will randomly encounter Anthony online.

What an exhausting human being. No wonder Sue left him.


Gets mad at glorification of gang culture and "misbehavior."

Gets mad whenever black people are portrayed in any other way.

Haha unhappy, so unhappy.

Has he ever heard of Condoleezza rice?

I'm sure someone took orders from her.


He past.

To be fair, black chicks are the fuckin worst.

Well all know Tomb Raider was developed to get back at the white man


Ive realized when you talk for a living most of the shit you say can be examined nd criticized. That being said Ant exasperates it by using twitter. Twitter literally ruined his life. Its like a battered wife going back to her husband

i agree. fuck niggers.

Sue Lightning just tweeted about this game. Maybe Ant's riding the lightning again.

He took orders from Mommy, isn't that the same?

You have to understand- taking orders from a female is unheard of in his culture.

He's right though. The suspension of disbelief in videogames and movies is getting silly.

A 5 foot tall girl can't beat up 5 strong men. No, not even if she learns an agile martial art with lots of flips and spins.

If you don’t put away the video games at a certain age you run the risk of becoming a lifelong dweeb. Get back to me when the technology has advanced to the point where it’s like Strange Days, The Matrix, or Avatar, and you literally plug in with complete sensory immersion.


Fun? Whining about immersion is neck beard faggot shit. Wahhh I saw a black person and remembered how shitty my life is!