Jim Norton cancels LA show & doesn't do radio because there is a porn convention in his home town

93  2017-11-03 by Dennyislife

There we go.


Princess Alena must be in town.

Weird name for Jimmy's ass

cool, british royalty. i’m taking my grandma to meet her.

Holy fucking shit, you called that one

His one real addiction, and he refuses to confront it.

Yeah it's funny, for all his AA bullshit, he'll never admit that edging for hours or spending thousands on hookers is another addiction. Only the drug is the endorphins your brain makes rather than a dealer.

Where does addiction begin and a lack of self control end? Opiates, cocaine, even caffeine, have physiological effects that cause your body dependency. Sex, shopping, and gambling don't. At what point is it ok to say that someone like Jim is just an asshole who feels entitled to immediate gratification?

exhales loudly through nose I don't know man, that's a tough one...

Interesting, though not suprising. But it still doesn't answer if the gamblers have a genetic predisposition to releasing fewer endorphins or if their system has been desensitized due over-indulgence.

Opiods are great. Fuck the government for declaring a "public health emergency." I enjoy getting a little euphoric every four hours or so.


Wait until you lose access to them and have diarrhoea every 4 minutes you fool

That's why I'm pissed. I get them legitimately, but more government intrusion will only make doctors wary to give them to those who need them.

diarrhea is worse than overdosing and dying

How the fuck did you come to that conclusion?

feels entitled to immediate gratification?

I don't know if edging for hours is exactly immediate gratification, but I agree with the sentiment.

I think it's an addiction if you start using it to avoid feeling bad rather than to feel good.

who cares if that's an addiction?

I don't care, it's just hypocritical of Jim to constantly whine about drugs/alcohol but be so blind about his obvious sex addiction.

Jimmy doesn't have a sex addiction. He's just a perverted masochistic degenerate. His sex addiction is just a convenient cover for this.

When does he ever whine about it? Constantly none the less. The only thing that happens is he seems to think he’s got more knowledge on the subject than he does, and he rarely touches the topic.

He's mentioned it being an addiction many times. He just absolves himself of it by saying "Hey, I never said I was consistent."

Fine, but I still don’t understand why he worries endlessly about one addiction while not only not worrying at all and even indulging another one.

If Jimmy accidentally got cooking sherry in his mouth he’d have a meltdown complete with sobbing, screaming, and threats of suicide. But attending a porn convention and fucking strange men just makes him shrug and go “eh, I’m not consistent.”

This is the same guy who freaked out that Colin would get his car slightly dirty, even though he has men and women shit in his mouth. He's not a consistent fellow.

It was a delicate flower sneeze

A Jessica Tandy sneeze

Hey he's just trying to check if they are sick or not. Get your head out of the gutter.

Believe it or not heroin abusers aren't addicted to their dealers you dingaling


If there’s an Oktoberfest in his hometown, does he change his plans? No? well why not, I thought he was addicted to alcohol?

I mean that makes as much sense.

Zimafest 1986, the year it all went wrong for young James Northon.

His only addiction is being addicted.

Talking about being an addict.

That's what AA and NA is for most people, they get off booze/drugs but they get addicted to meetings and philosophizing about addiction.

Buncha quitters.

Wow, I've never heard that one before! Did you think that up all on your own?

I think it was touched upon by Fight Club. I really shouldn't be telling you about it though.

His name is Robert Paulson

My dad got addicted to the attention he was getting in AA. Being a celebrity at meetings was more important than recovery.

Traded one addiction for another.

I'd say he deserves to be run out of show business but he's hardly in it.

A sex addict that can't get it up.

Like shooting heroin with a rubber band needle.

I would hope that he would cancel a show for this. That's the yimmy I love <3

A 50 year old millionaire everyone. For all the Opie and Anthony evisceration here, Jimmy is by far the worst out of all them. He's literally a 14 year old boy stuck in the body of a homosexual middle-aged twink.

Is he really a millionaire though? He looks like a bum honestly.

Millionaire compared to the rest of us gay truckers, yes.

Speak for yourself buddy boy.

yea dude, he's not swimming in cash, but all his assets combined, and the guy is in the 7 figures.

Slow down. You may think Jims bad but he's not fighting a French guy underwater bad.

He is not worse than Opie

Idk, I don't have to hear Opie's voice anymore

You could just do what everybody else here did, and stop listening.

If a shitty radio show broadcasts to nobody in the woods, does anybody hear it?

You're one of the lucky ones, his 'contributions' still ricochet in my skull as if Satan himself had an Opie soundboard wired to my synapses.

Anthony is literally stuck inside a 14 year old boy.

This should be the top comment

This should be the top comment

Yeah I just read that piece about Anthony’s pedophilia. He really does seem like a piece of filth

A 50 year old millionaire everyone. For all the Opie and Anthony evisceration here, Jimmy is by far the worst out of all them. He's literally a 14 year old boy stuck in the body of a homosexual middle-aged twink.

We heard you.

sorry dude, my disgusting digits failed me and I sent several times.

Thank you. Please be more careful in the future.

I'll try my best, but I'm a failure, so this effort shouldn't be any different.

not worse than Opie....not possible

Are you implying Jim "I don't know man, it's a tough one man" Norton has no work ethic and is disgusting piece of shit?

He really is a pathetic worm. I wish Chip wasn't such a good character so I could really hate him as much as he deserves.

If I ever had the chance I would spike his drink

With what?


Huh. I had you pegged as a roofie holdout.

If he's going as Chip and recording it I'm okay with this

Member him talking to Joe Rogan about how good he's been. And Joe just looking at him like he doesn't believe a fuckin word he just said.

Jim is the only guest Joe doesn't have to look up at.

Also, UFC is in Madison Square Garden this weekend.

Jim couldn't dare leave the East Coast with all his fetishes right here in his backyard.

That's not one of his real fetishes like penises. He just pretends to like it to seem vaguely macho.

He wants to edge to UFC while muttering "that guy's a problem" under his breath.

And I’ll be accompanying him, god damnit.

Oh boy, a porn convention! I bet he can't wait to leer creepily at various porn stars who he thinks remember him from the show, only to be met with confusion and polite rejection at every turn.

getting real sick of Jimmy's self important shit.

Aww, little lonely boy.

What is wrong with these celebrities who choose to fuck so-called "porn stars"? Most of them are not pretty. A lot of them have fake tits that don't bounce. And they are whores. Literal whores. Worse than whores tbh because regular whores don't videotape their desperate humiliation.

They're not even fun to fuck. There's no passion, they're almost extra crazy to prove how "wild" they are in bed and live up to their name, they can never turn the performance part off. They're great to look at but pretty soulless in bed. (Id never NOT fuck a porn star, Im just saying...not everything they're cracked up to be)

Your lips to God's ear, pal. Gimme' a ham sandwich, container of coffee and bi-weekly missionary and you won't hear any complaints outta' me.

Bang the ol lady, and go to sleep. What do I know.

"Oh, ARCHIE! Lick my ass!"

Well lucky for Jim, they don't want to fuck him in return.

Is the worm eating Bree Olson's very moldy nigger cummed puss these days? She's going to that porn con and moved back to NYC a few months ago...

i would rather listen to a solo sam show than jim + sam. i don't want to listen to either of those two things but if a guy said he was going to fuck me in the ass and cum on my face if i didn't listen to one, then i would listen to the solo sam show

It's okay to be a sex addict. It's better then taking a few sips of peach schnapps and then make some prank phone calls.

Possibility he's going to film some chip segments?

Jimmy seems like the type of moron that would actually have porn site charges onto his credit card statements. What a loser

who is going to question him about it?!

his wife? his children?

Probably telling porn skanks he can get them on Jim & Sam if they bang him.

This is great news imo, degenerate Jimmy and mean Jimmy are the best.

I would be so mad if I had tickets to that show that he cancelled for his addiction

A whole week of Mary Jean-esque interviews all week then?

I'll try my best, but I'm a failure, so this effort shouldn't be any different.

You could just do what everybody else here did, and stop listening.

If a shitty radio show broadcasts to nobody in the woods, does anybody hear it?

Your lips to God's ear, pal. Gimme' a ham sandwich, container of coffee and bi-weekly missionary and you won't hear any complaints outta' me.

You're one of the lucky ones, his 'contributions' still ricochet in my skull as if Satan himself had an Opie soundboard wired to my synapses.