This is literally everything that's on TV right now. Nick Di Paolo is a fucking visionary

50  2017-11-03 by aPersonStranded



It has audio fuckface.

weird, sometimes the audio doesn't play for the first 3 seconds but if you scroll back you hear it

The site always mutes videos, before you go full screen you have to un-mute it in the bottom left corner of the video.

Nothing here on mobile.

The audio doesn't work for my pixel XL. Piece of gahbidge.

Joe Biden, comment?

Younger naive faggot me would have been laughing along with those retards in the crowd.

Won't play. Is it this clip?

Thanks. He really saw all that shit coming.

Okay, name some popular all gay tv shows?

The Big Bang Theory

the /u/beavvv show

60 Minutes.

Modern Family

Rachel Madcow

Monday Night Raw

The Walking Dead

Davie and the Cocksuckers, Wednesdays on ABC

Faggots are less than 4% of population but it feels like 80%+ of recent movies/TV have one of the main characters that is gay or trans or whatever the fuck.

You ever heard of this abomination called Sense8? The Wachowskis are the ultimate example of this horse shit. The poor guys cut their dicks off, dyed their hair blue and went from writing sci-fi redefining movies to writing barely mediocre TV show that's mostly sex scenes of lesbians scissoring, pegging and trannies marching at Pride events.

I mean, go ahead and get married, get your right but for the love of god shut the fuck up about who you want to fuck or what gender you think you are already. Nobody cares.

I don't indentify myself with the right at all, and even I can see that shit's happening

It's a bit long but this video explains how they do it. Just replace the KGB with (((you know who))).

Game of Thrones

The Voice


Real Rock TV




American Horror Story

They made the penguin gay out of nowhere in Gotham.

you have to be gay to work in Hollywood

Well, he was right. Everybody is a faggot in 2017.

While I don't agree with you 100%, I do agree that you are definitely a faggot.

Can’t argue with that. When you’re right you’re right.

(Ho)Mo Rocca obviously isn't amused.


You're right! Stranger Things, Mindhunter, Mr. Robot, Walking Dead. All those shows are just trying to push the faggot agenda MAN!! Or maybe that's all you see because you are in fact a faggot.

Coincidentally, those are all shows a faggot would watch

I just started stranger things. It seems interesting so far.

it is in the beginning a felt promising but I didn't care for the direction it took

But what did management think of the direction it took?

they faaawking loved it

Walking Dead

Its a post apocalyptic world, and what? There are 4 gay couples? Out of 5? Its pretty gay.

you cant even smell the cat piss n your own house anymore, huh?

I blame the jews (and i'm right)

Ugh. Enough of tough crowd. A bunch of fucking hack faggots. It’s over, it got canceled, it sucked.

You are wrong on so many levels

No, I’m not some old man fag from staton island. No one else cares.

No you're some young fag from Chicago.

Big difference

Better than Redbar

"All stand-up sucks! TV is all secret gay agenda shows!" I swear 98% of you niggas consume 0 entertainment outside of what people here tell you to hate.

niggers shouldn't have opinions

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Nick DiPaolo starring in Bad Goys II +3 - Won't play. Is it this clip?
Yuri Bezmenov: Psychological Warfare Subversion & Control of Western Society (Complete) +3 - It's a bit long but this video explains how and why they do it. Just replace the KGB with (((you know who))).
TCWCQ: Shannon, Rocca, Giraldo & Di Paolo 1/2 +2 - 10:20

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He's not wrong, but gays are great. They're usually clean and nice, pay their bills. It's the 'others' lumped in with them that are the fucking problem. I don't respect anyone's goddam 'fluid' or Trans BS

Watch the documentary "showrunners" on showtime and then you'll understand literary all of Hollywood is gay. You can't get in a writing room unless you're a fag, or at least act gay.

Coincidentally, those are all shows a faggot would watch

Walking Dead

Its a post apocalyptic world, and what? There are 4 gay couples? Out of 5? Its pretty gay.

you cant even smell the cat piss n your own house anymore, huh?