What are we hoping for with Ant's book gang?

1  2017-11-03 by jkrick13


From tip to taint, how to please a trap.

Like we don't all know already.

Am I right, gang?

He has ghost writers. Normally I'd expect that to deliver an at least mediocre quality book but those guys looked kinda... Compoundish. I suspect Anth found those guys through favors and it'll show.

KtC got those billboards for pennies on the dollar!

Spook writers.

Those Mormon sex position images, but only with Ant and Sue.

a lot of gay sex

A surprise suicide ending.

I expect it to sell upwards of 350 copies.

Pahaps less than that!

WHO would buy such a thing???

i will

i assume youve read all the classics already

The real details behind the selfcuttinggirl story. Maybe he'll even reveal the identity of "the hunter".

I just hope he touches on the evidence out there that points towards the Jews being responsible for 9/11.

I expect it to be ruthlessly pirated by the hundreds of people interested enough to flip through it

I feel like the ghost writers will eliminate anything at all revealing or potentially offensive and it will be far from interesting. It will be geared to appeal to a publisher and will become a book sold at regional airports.

A lot of sordid childhood stories we've all heard before. Fucking Buzz, almost getting assfucked by that Mexican, wearing mommy's shoes, his dad justifiably beating him for having a doll. Unfortunately, I think he'll neglect to discuss his dalliances with shemales or any of his other crimes.

I really just want to hear stories about his dead beat dad. The ones hes told are hilarious

Anthony will rewrite his own history always making himself look less creepy. Also, I'm guessing plenty of crime stats that no one finds interesting.