Reminder: Remember when Erik Nagel was sorta decent looking?

27  2017-11-02 by A_Friendly_Creeper


<3 <3 <3 He's so dreamy <3<3<3

He's always been an ugly, wide-headed idiot.

... looks pretty buff to me!

but this was before the down syndrome

That vacation to Fukajima 6 years ago really fucked him up.

He wasn't called the Sex Bagel for nothing

Nope, you can't heat up a bagel in the microwave with intentions on fucking it without nickname consequences.

Those bedroom eyes

He's actually the one on the right.

He's the only person in history to catch mental retardation.

What about Gary Busey?

Not his fault there's a tectonic rift down the center of his facing, slowly pushing his eyes apart.

Lay off the little fat kid. He killed on the Chip Podacast

Look at her pursed lips. Disgusting to women even then.

That skank is so turned on that she has to purse her lips to keep her own pussy juice from spilling out of her whore mouth


Those bedroom eyes

He looks like that kid in Buffy the vampire Slayer who was sacrificed to a demon but didn't work because he's a hemophiliac

He’s turning into Ralphie.

And then he replaced proteins in his food pyramid with dunkaroos and shark bites

Idk i think recent, hellmans erock looks better than this sultry trent reznor lookin mf


He looks like Spoony is this photo. Yuck.

Still a chub with eyes that scream porn addiction

Kissable lips, sullen eyes and that sexy 90's boyband haircut.

He looks like a poor kid getting off Ellis island

I like erock now-looking like a morbidly obese panda.

Husky vampire

No, no I don't.

That Nagel seed is so valuable