Anthony Cumia's dad was a cuck. Ant is half black.

11  2017-11-02 by FirstWDay


Anthony's blackness is deep rooted in his ancestry. Nice try though.

Look -- I mean even if O.J. Simpson DID in fact fuck Anthony's father, I don't think that would make Anthony half Black.

Just like his son, has a lot to say about a person he meets after the fact. Couple of pussies.

See. Anthony's dad is white. Yet, Anthony is not white.

Joe Cumia Sr. was a real man. Don't talk shit you half a fag.

Joe Cumia Sr and Ant are a prime example of the whole "Hard times create strong men. Strong men create good times. Good times create weak men." thing.

His dad was a great man and a great parent who provided for his family. His son bangs trannies and underage girls and has no children of his own. All he has is plastic surgeries that have made him look like a monster and a house and network that both decline in value year after year

His dad was an abusive racist junkie, so was his mom, and both of them wasted their money getting high and generally being white trash.

Now Ant's the same. It's a prime example of "I LEARNED IT FROM YOU!"

His dad was a jobless drunk criminal.

Yeah, a real ass man pretending to be a cowboy with sickly horses when big city life got too hard for him, not raising enough money to feed his kids.
Him being a drunken savage undoubtedly instilled Anthony's fears of masculine behavior such as having sex with women.

Joe Cumia Sr was a complete nigger

has no children of his own

Then Anthony is smarter than his faggot father to not pass on those awful genes.

That would mean he's not actually his father at all.

Y'see, the moors...

I do think there is a strong case for Joe Sr. not being Anthony's father. Dawn and Joe have really similar facial features much more than Anthony does to them. And it could explain part of why his dad was so angry all the time at Ant and Mrs. Cumia.

Exactly. He called him pissy eyes and slapped him because he had an afro like his biological father.