Does Jim and Sam's undeserved, unmerited self confidence make you miss Opie's lack of confidence?

2  2017-11-02 by FirstWDay


Sam is who he is. All I have to do is watch a few videos of him over the years and just laugh at what he looks like. Especially when they make him wear a children's suit at those WWE events. Just look at this guy

Sam is essentially Bobo dressed in slightly better clothing.

He's Smobo.

Jim Norton is not funny anymore

I only expected one thing of Sam... Jocktober. I haven't listened since it was obvious it was too much work for him last year.


Sam's confidence comes from his fellow wrestling fan boys on Instagram. He gets shit on for Jim & Sam. Every tweet reply that is positive is about Travis being so beloved. You never see segments and interviews praised. Deep down he knows the show is a complete failure. Which is why he hired Anthony, because he isn't good at his job so will never be a threat to do to Sam what he did to Opie.

But if Sirius cared about the feedback they'd be doing the Chip & Travis Show.

You don't think constantly reminding people you've been doing radio since age 18 exudes confidence?

Jimmy gets alot of shit on this sub, but doesn't anyone else think he's still fucking hilarious? He's great. He's annoying sometimes but he is the reason Jim and Sam is listenable (and sometimes good). Sam is way more annoying and has much less of a reason to be confident. Jim is a great talent who is frequently worthy of intense scorn. You can be both.

The show is unlistenable, I've probably listened to 1 hours worth in the last 6 months when artie or ant was in. That's about it.

Same here. It's not an exaggeration. I used to put Opie on as background noise. I can't even do that with J&S.

Christ on his throne, no! And who ever would?

Does Opie Roberts make me miss Opie Hughes? No, it just makes me wish them both dead.