Long time listener, new to this subreddit...

10  2017-11-02 by hookercheese

... and I must say you guys have to be the meanest people on reddit. Goddamn I’ve found a new home. Am I the only listener here that doesn’t actually mind Rich Voss? Hated him initially but kinda softened up over the years.

Anyone know if Jim still has a girlfriend?

Thoughts on all the MJ appearances lately?

Is it just me or is it a miracle shitloaf hasn’t gunned down the studio yet?

Apologies in advance if this has already been discussed.


rich vos is a national treshjzure.

mary jean is as interesting as a dead cat.

welcome to a community of judgment.

And Jim took a cam-tranny to Iceland. He is 6 feet tall and so is his penis.
Not even joking.

I'm sure there are many sub's who's members would kill their child for a low quality sound bar.

I have been seeing references about someone killing a child. Wtf??? Also Troy killing his gf double wtf??? Context?

Holy shit that’s some fucked up shit.

Oh fresh blood. How nice.

Let me know what you think of this art masterpiece:

You ever get that feeling when you're looking down at your dying 2-year-old son, just gasping for air to try and scream, and think to yourself "well that's the end of that chapter time to get the fudge outta here!"

"Quick hide in the bushes, no one will look for me there"

to make an omelette you gotta crack a kid's thorax

I had to hold my mouth like a faggot laughing put loud at this

Troy killing his girl I believe unironically. He tells this story with zero emotion about them going for a hike and her just happening to fall off a cliff.

Mary Jean is not good. Her becoming a regular on the show is criminal. Ideally, she would be booked as often as current-day Louis CK or Patrice, but she's ingratiated herself with the hosts so we can expect a twice-weekly dose of "I was drunk and took a dick in my assssss" radio. Riveting stuff.

Stop with this foolish narrative. She was only on twice in one week because she came in ridiculously late the first time so they re-booked her. She's awful, yeah, but she's only on a few times a year. Get a hold of yourself.

I deflate every time I hear she’s gonna be coming into the studio. Like back in the day when Sherrod would just pop in from time to time. (Stopped listening when he became a regular) fucking boo.

Lotta problems in that sub. LOTS of problems.


Rich Voss? Hated him initially but kinda softened up over the years.

Rich Voss is a good upstanding member of the white business community. However if you happen to be talking about Rich Vos, that kike is a legend. Giving him shit is the bit. And that bit has, in the past, paid dividends. Pun intended.

Anyone know if Jim still has a girlfriend?

There's been some drama about him and a tranny. It's not all that interesting tbh. No one should care who or what he fucks or falls in puppy love with at this point. Or at any point.

Thoughts on all the MJ appearances lately?

He's finally turned fully white, being a corpse. Goes to show that if you keep at it, good things happen.

Is it just me or is it a miracle shitloaf hasn’t gunned down the studio yet?

It's you. No one cares all that much. He's a mildly entertaining target. I don't mind him/the role he plays, but I certainly don't have much emotion about it one way or another.

Here's a quick rundown

-nobody here actually listens to any of these shows anymore

-80 percent of this sub is made up of alcoholics and drug addicts who lead deviant lifestyles full of gay sex. We get at least one suicide or overdose per month

-Colin Quinn and Denny are the only people remaining who are generally liked. Rich Vos arguably so

-Give /u/anthonycumiashow a look for some hilarity and the reason why he won't come here anymore

-Opie is descending into madness and its glorious. I feel like it isn't get the attention that it deserves. The goal of this sub for the past 3 years has been to get him fired and now it's happened and all people can do is post Chad memes

I have some homework to do! Gay sex?? Opie has always been a little bit of a nutter, hasn’t he? I suppose I should get a Twitter.


Please don't tell me that you're one of the britfags. We're way past our quota on them.

That did sound British. I’m not British.

In that case, welcome to the sub!

Careful. It's a female minority and has no business being here

Oh literal bams seed.

Ooooh, are you gals gonna catfight?

Triple threat match between the black schizo, that wheelchair bitch, and this dog eater. Killakuhn as the special guest referee. Sponsored by Vizio.

How da fuck so we got two now?

Calm down you fawning debutante.

What do you do for a living, character?

I’m a stripper.

How skinny are you? I only ask because I've seen fat strippers, I've seen fat asians, but I've never seen a fat asian stripper. And god knows I don't want to.

Hoo hoo ever had any lesbian experiences? Why don't you take your top off? Ralph get in her and make her feel stupid.

you ever tripped and fell and accidentally ate your girlfriend's pussy for six hours?

thanks for joining us! now go fuck yourself


OP breeds with stock of lower quality. do NOT reply to his posts!

Haha I’m actually the lower breed you speak of. Aren’t Asians technically white?

Aren’t Asians technically white?

Sir I'll have to respectfully ask you to leave these premises.

Take whites. Increase all the qualities they're known for 10 fold. Boom, ya got asians.

Dorkier, less socially fun, smaller dicks, better at math, better at being responsible, more faithful to tradition and how their parents instruct them to live.

In short (pun again intended), no.

This is why I don’t date Asian men.

Hi. I’m Colombian. Pleasure to meet you. #GameOnPoint

You look like a cambodian human trafficking victim

You have competition.

Why are you guys not making her post her butthole?

She makes a good point here.

She makes a good point here. Where are the butthole pics?


You posted your butthole? Gonna need a link.

It just occurred to me. After all this misery I've been dealing with and all the money it's costing me, the worst thing about my last hd corrupting and crapping out, it was the only one with bs's butthole on it. I'll miss that little mugg.


look out toots a new girl is in play


You look like a cambodian human trafficking victim

Her boyfriend looks like Handsome Stinks

All praise due to the one true lord Dennis Falcone

We’ve been featured on The People’s Court so we have that going for us

Dude you crochet? Whaddya a fag!

It's a lady. But still gay.

Has she released any nudes yet?

No and i don't know why that's being tolerated

I tried to reverse image search her Halloween pic. But sadly no luck.

Aren't you a laaadyyyy

You say that now...

Crochet? More like crogay.

Post asshole or fuckoff.

Do you know about Joe Cumia's dark secret?

Welcome to the community , let me know if you have any questions.I’m sort of a father figure here and everyone looks up to me..

Rich Vos is one of the few people that this sub actually likes.

Let me be the first to say " I fucked your mom, you fucking faggot" welcome to your new home

Post tits

Nobody here hates Voss, not even a little

i'm not sure what gave me that impression TBH

Just Opie, it's fun to hate Joe Cumia because he takes it to the next level but I wish nothing but super aids for Opie

How many medicine bottles do you think a man can hold in his hands at one time? The answer may surprise you.

What, you don't get bullied enough in your real life?

Redditors who have gone from dating a woman with very large breasts to a woman with very small ones, what was it like for you?

Awwww, is someone a little insecure?
Real talk, your boyfriend is undoubtedly dissappointed and fantasizing about his previous girl when fucking you.



Please don't tell me that you're one of the britfags. We're way past our quota on them.

She makes a good point here.

She makes a good point here. Where are the butthole pics?

You posted your butthole? Gonna need a link.

Oh fresh blood. How nice.

Let me know what you think of this art masterpiece: