Do you ever scroll through your comment history and think "what the fuck is wrong with me?"

14  2017-11-02 by FirstWDay

I smoked a lot of pot and that's what I'm doing now.


I just do it to check the numbers, brotherman.

My ex girlfriend did. Her loss.

Happens to me all the time

Dude weed

I bet you never ripped massive bong hits in high school did you


Yes, I’ve found that I’m very angry, homophonic, racist

No, but what the fuck is wrong with you? That's some horrific shit you've written my god man

I was going to sign up for secret santa just so someone has to determine what I would actually enjoy, besides calling Sherrod small a nigger and hating a defunct radio show.

I jus think I'm fawkin hilareouss!!

I usually write gold and laugh about it hours later as I'm reading my comments before going to bed.