My mocking Opie bit is doing better than Opies actual bit (I have 363,620 less followers)

49  2017-11-02 by ihaveaholeinmyass


ME: People mocking my account and getting more likes is the bit, dopes!

Yea but what did you have for brekke this morning?


The clitioris of a young somali girl

I follow you on twitter. you is one good mug.


Who is that in your avatar with sunglasses?


ANSWER THE QUESTION u/ihaveaholeinmyass


Tefft Chipperson made it.. its a mix of the clean up guy from bloodsportand young Micheal Jackson


Tefft Chipperson made it.. its a mix of the clean up guy from bloodsportand young Micheal Jackson

What an ass he is, trite shit writing devoid of any substance about a some fucking Karin cunt who he is probably hounding the fuck out without even knowing just to get some material for his twitter.

No he made those people up

That's even worse, he's harassing his own delusions

I see he is still focusing on Halloween. He sucks.

363,620 *fewer followers.

Correct grammar is not a crime, fam.

Fam is a fawkin cool word n shit supper LIT AF DVV DVVV

this guy fucks

Damn rite my dude!