"The black is a better athlete to begin with, because he's been bred to be that way. Because of his high thighs and big thighs that go up into his back. And they can jump higher and run faster because of their bigger thighs, you see."

26  2017-11-02 by redtheftauto


If only jumping was a more useful quality in a modern economy.

Although it comes in very handy for jumping a fence when the popo are chasing you down.

Jimmy the Greek eh?

Ironically, white men usually win the Gold medal in the High Jump at the Olympics.

Cause blacks play real sports.

That’s a good point, most of the events in the Summer Olympics that white guys consistently dominate aren’t actually real sports by any stretch of the imagination.

Volleyball isn't a sport? Tennis isn't a sport? Golf isn't a sport? Softball? Handball? Ice Hockey? Water Polo? Beach volleyball?

Took this one pretty personally lol.

And Golf if not a sport.

In order for something to be a sport there needs to be an offense and a defense.

Golf, swimming, any track and field event =/= sport

And Golf if not a sport.

And if is not an is, clevah fellah.

You know how they say ‘This Guy fucks’

Well for you I’ll say this: ‘this guy watches curling’

Good one Chip.

How is chasing a ball for two hours more real tho

Baseball was invented by American men so they could have something to do while their wives cooked and sewed.

The best soccer players also seem to be largely white. Germany won the last World Cup. And they were playing Argentina in the finals (also a white country). The last World Cup was won by Spain (a white country). No African country has ever made it to the Semi-finals in the World Cup. Even though soccer is by far the most popular sport in the world. To put that into perspective.

I'm shocked a continent of malnourished people in perpetual tribal warfare hasn't been dominating the World Cup.


Da blehck is da better atha-lete. Dis goes all da way back to the slave days!

Niggas be stealin people's wallets vertically now

That's some up's though, you gotta admit

Nigga got hops, B.

Now imagine if that had any practical use

It's amazing that the storm front crowd and far left cucks { yes, I don't like the word, but it really is the most apt way to describe what these people are/have become} still deny that blacks are vastly superior genetic athletes. I remember listening to Prof. Thadeus Russel on Rogan's podcast, just debating around on his hands and knees, denying that genetics had anything to do with blacks' staggering success in sports. He chalked it all up to environment. This humiliation, however, pales in comparison to the denial of the Afrocentric Blacks and their Nu-left nanny state babysitters on the cognitive, intelectual, civilizational inferiority of the Negroid. It's crazy to me how out of touch with reality all these people have become in the last 2 generations.

What the mother fuck are you going on about?

Pretty self-explanatory if you ask me. Unless I fucked up what I was typing. I was criticizing the denial of certain people about Blacks being far better athletes genetically. There's a lot of the White Power dudes and far left crowd, like that Professor I mentioned in the aforementioned, who will deny this fact tooth and nail. In the same vein, I also alluded to the groups of people who still deny that Blacks cannot compete civilizationally, genetics playing a massive role in this. I believe I was calling out how out of touch with reality, we've become as a society.

I can't stand niggers

Women be shopping