One of the funniest O&A shows ever

8  2017-11-01 by Tanwhiteman


Birbiglia sucks. I loved Vos in this.

I didnt mind Birbiglia, especially since he started smashing JBL right off the bat. Then everyone else jumped on board.

Oh yeah, that part was good. I think I mostly hated his awful shouty Vos impression and his unawareness of how bad it was, then him feigning sincerity when Vos called him out for being a phony grandstander at Mitch Hedberg's funeral.

I know everyone hates Birbiglia but I thought he held his own against Vos. Maybe I'm just gay.

Yeah, I listened to parts of it again today, and he wasn't as bad as I had remembered.

I thought he did fine

This is one I am always in the mood for. "What is this purple fag fucking elixir"

Is this a Nopie day?

No. But he plays a very minor role. It's worth the listen.

Ah yes, the last Birbiglia appearance...