To me, the Chip Chipperson character is a prime example of the failures of feminism and why raising a child as a single parent mother doesn’t work.

23  2017-11-01 by Every1ShouldBKilled

  • Feminism is about preserving (and dominating) female autonomy over everything else. Instead of settling into motherhood and responsibility, she did the bare minimum of both those things, just so she could continue living the way she wanted; fucking black men.

  • A father in the mix would’ve meant that someone in that household could’ve picked up some responsibility. He would’ve been too authoritative (considering the family) and might've given Chip complexes anyway, BUT he would’ve kept Chip in line and rational. Who knows; Chip might’ve wound up as some Union cog with an A&B retirement fund and full health and dental, making over 30-50 an hour. Not some delusional sponge that he wound up turning into.


Yeah? YOU are!

Fawkin peesa gahbidge.

It's a cute theory and all, but we all know Chip is Chip because of a combination of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome and complications from Uncle Paul's diddling.

AGAIN: Failures of feminism and lack of authority figure.

  • Feminists now are shunning the long-held conception that drinking during pregnancy is harmful, because it directly conflicts with their autonomy-at-all-costs mindset. They'll sacrifice their child's safety just to do their FAVORITE thing in the face of society, defiantly, because a MAN said they can't drink during pregnancy. That's where this post-modernist shit has taken us. Hence why Chip is fucked up (if FAS is the culprit).

  • And a real authority figure would've stepped in and strangled Uncle Paul for even touching his son like that. Or at the very least kept him far away from the uncle, regardless of what side of the family he was on.

Lyle "Chip" Chippserson is a master entertainer

Ok... whos the father?

He's an encyclopedia salesman, right?

He’s been away on a secret mission with the CIA for twenty seven years you peesa g.

At least you aren't projecting heavily

I know, right?

aPreLL FaHLLss

Projecting? Do you always mimic sigmund freud's phrases, or just today?

I was raised by a single mother and I've only raped several women.

I'm going to steal this for my senior thesis

Just listen to Gavin. Seems he's regurgitating his views.

NOW: It's not that raising a child as a single parent mother is harmful, or that it cant be done. Of course, there's some success in doing that because it can still create highly functioning members of society. BUT it requires ONE PERSON PLAYING BOTH ROLES: One they have a natural propensity towards, one they don't. The best job they could do MAYBE sits around 50-60 percent. The same can be applied towards men: Tough love and ribald? They're great at. Nurturing? Not so much. OF COURSE they love their kids, but the nurturing aspect, for most men, is lost on them.

Two parents has worked for THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS of years. Not perfectly, because PEOPLE AREN'T PERFECT. But it's worked. Why throw it out so you can continue to drink even during pregnancy and have Lamar come over and fix the floorboards?

You're thinking of the colloquial use of the term "feminism". The classic theory (in regards to sociology) states that feminism is actually treating everyone (but most notably comparing men and women) equally. As an intellectual argument, it doesn't make sense. Arguing a single parent household doesn't fit into the actual theory of feminism unless you said a man could do it better. You did mention female autonomy, but that just makes the argument of one example of a bad parent, since with the same autonomy she could have been a good and loving parent if that is what was important to her. It's also really fucking stupid to take one fictional case of a bad person and apply it to a whole country or world.


Look up the "no true Scottsman fallacy".

The dictionary definition doesn't determine a group's motive - their actions and behavior do. What feminism literally means in the dictionary and how it is practiced today is wildly different.

Modern feminists are cunts.

I know the fallacy and it doesn't apply to what I said because 1) I defined the terms to separate the groups, especially since the last thing I want to do is defend an SJW that's a feminist, and 2) I explained that autonomy doesn't necessarily always lead to a bad practice. I didn't say it didn't apply in this case, or that all feminists would choose what I wrote, or that they aren't a feminist in that respect. In the end, not all feminists are dumb, just the dumb ones are.
