D. Hoffmann sexually harassed her because he got a foot massage, talked about sex and told a dirty joke.

6  2017-11-01 by FirstWDay


Definitely anal. Yeeeeeaaaah. Def. Def. Definitely anal.

They're trying to create an I'm Spartacus effect, hoping to take the pressure off a single individual, but it won't work. Most people will be happy to crucify all of them.

Crucify how? The innocent men who are being accused?

I seriously hate women.

So fuck guys. Problem solved.

I do, your dad being one of them.

Coal burner

I guess I am fucking something dark (faggot shit).

I'm patiently waiting for the stories of famous women sexually assaulting men.

"Judie Dench grabbed my cock and demanded I kiss her cunt"

Media: Lol, Dame Judie is a minx!

Amy Schumer: I raped an unconscious man. He was black out drunk and I literally put his mostly limp dick in my pussy.

The media: You go, girl.

Seventeen is the age of consent in NY, if she's working with adults don't be surprised if one of them comes on to her.

That being said all Jews are scum.

Horse killer,Christ killer Mrs. Robinson.

He was creeping pretty hard on a 17 year old. And seriously a 17 year old intern says "mr hoffman I dont appreciate the way you're treating me please stop" do you think she'd still be an intern there?

32 years since this happened. When it's been that long I kind of dont give a shit and I hope most people dont. She just wants her 15 minutes in the spotlight.