can we hire a detective to trail opie and find out what he's really doing?

0  2017-11-01 by naziniggerfaggot



Good idea. You can pay for it.

well, fuck. i mean, i'll chip (wassat) in 5 bucks or whatever. i'm an old bitch, i don't know how to make a go fund me.

Pretend you're gonna make a cartoon

He sitting at home tweeting nonsense. He has no gauge of where his professional life is at and needs to have some interaction to vindicate himself of some kind of fan base. He could absolutely have a job tomorrow at almost any market, but it will be at average pay and his pride won’t let him. Making millions to barely 6 figures...

I'm good for $10

We should get Stinks to trail him.

Stinks will fall asleep behind the wheel like the junky he is.

Stinks doesn’t have a car. He will have to ride a bike - hope he doesn’t get run over in a bike lane.

Won't he just sell the bike for more dope?

Sitting around crying and listening to old Opie Raqio. He wonders why "JAZZ IT UP" and "DIIIIIIIIIIP" didn't take over the world and become the "GIT-R-DONE" of 2017.

This is the first post in a series of posts that end up getting this sub banned.

We'll just meet up in the Scorch sub.


I say we just watch him self destruct. If we learned the truth this might not be fun anymore.

Let's hire Kenny.

It would be the most boring and unsatisfying case of his career.