Oh, baby boyyyy

6  2017-11-01 by RBuddCumia


That guy is Robbie Martin, Abby Martin's brother. One of his 9/11 truther friends got shit on by O&A&J and he's never been able to let it go.

I don't really like her but I think she is hot. Has a Mz Chipperson vibe.

She really hates jews so that is so sexy.

But she only hates them because she thinks they're white.

She hates kikes but loves the sand niggers. You win some, you lose some.


9/11 was complete bullshit whether you believe stupid reddit shit or not. You’re just as stupid

this guy's right Jim sucks

Like omg, Norton needs to cool like it with the alt right fear mongering.

I will support ANY political party that bullies James Norton

Lyle Chipperson should go after this peckah-head.

Why are you expecting a homosexual to be all in with right wing politics?

So Jimmy tried to insult this guy by basically saying, "yeah, well, unlike me, you're not a pussy!"

Nailed him, Jim.