Poor Jews are so oppressed. Most oppressed minority out there oy vey....

0  2017-11-01 by FlashVirus


This "feminist's" bio: "Fighting white supremacy. #JewishResistance"

And she has a blue check mark of course, because of all the people who search for her and all the impersonators she has.

They really are setting themselves up for another 1933 Berlin. Greed is their weakness, they never learn their lesson.

If you get kicked out of every place you ever lived, is it their fault or yours?

Jews are the Opie of races.

Hitler killed more white men than he killed Jews. Shinkle bout it...

She calls out Islamophobia and antisemitism in the same tweet. Logic completely escapes these people.

In what way is that illogical?

If you can't see it you're just as ignorant as she is. I refuse to argue it any further. Arguing with liberals is a lost cause, especially on the internet.

Well thats just dumb, you dont have to agree with 100% of muslims to be against islamophobia. I'm sure you can think of 100 examples of the same thing in your life.

I already said I don't want to debate you on here. If you want to pretend that's because I don't have a comeback, then do so. This is my last reply regarding it.

This is before we even get into if 100% of muslims are antisemetic. Which by that logic 100% of catholics are homophobic and surely thats not a standard anyone enforces.

He's referencing the fact that Israel is a rogue fascist ethnostate that has been systematically genociding Muslims for almost a century now. The idea that this Zionist pig, who celebrates the embodiment of evil oppression that is her "homeland," while simultaneously coercing and shaming the dumb, stupid, but very dangerous Goy into accepting their slow suicide by importation of the very 3rd world degenerate parasites her people take pride in butchering is an astonishing level of hypocrisy and lechery.

You flipped the script on this one

You set it up very nicely for me.

I asked her about Israel's policies and whether or not she supports #OpenBordersForIsrael. No response yet

Here's some logic for ya, pal; 100% of people that are you are assholes.

just skimming her twitter and it’s shit about being a “jewish woman who survived sexual assault.” the blues eyes white dragon of victim cards over here.

She sounds like a load of laughs.

You flipped the script on this one

I asked her about Israel's policies and whether or not she supports #OpenBordersForIsrael. No response yet