Detective Matarese emailed accusing me of cancelling gigs

106  2017-11-01 by porsalin


He is unravelling before our eyes

slow train comin'

Tss what are you Bob Dylan or somethin?

brother mouvzone from the wire

"What? It's just an internet thing. You wouldn't understand. Well... okay, basically we're psychologically torturing this struggling comedian and watching him lose his mind and documenting it every step of the way - yeah, see I fucking told you. Don't ask me about my business next time."

My wife asks me what I’m laughing at and say “Opie and Anthony Reddit”. She knows that we’re retarded and not to ask anymore.

"is that the chip people?"

Yeah, it's just harmless fun on Reddit. We're all totally normal, functioning people. No one's lives are being affected by our boredom.

Yeah totally haha

God bless.

How's she been?

Your wife is your Scott Shannon.

I wish.

It's a beautiful thing.

He's so fucking dumb that I almost feel bad. Almost.

Whoever is doing this should start asking Club Owners if he they can spare some adderrral

It's just a matter of time before he necks himself

His wife will re-marry before he's even had his funeral.

Why doesn't he save everyone the embarrassment and just commit to his role as trophy wife? I'm convinced he's too profoundly stupid to even contemplate suicide, let alone execute it properly.

I’m not buying that those are real. Why are there no time stamps on the messages?

I don't know what to tell ya - I mean if it helps here it is sitting in my inbox and here it is opened

What I mean is they look like twitter DMs? They normally have a timestamp of each reply. I’m thinking Matarese did a photoshop of all this. Don’t reply him anymore as it could be used as evidence against you.

Yeah I thought of that. I sent one vague reply saying i'm not responsible for anything other than the pahdkest and I don't know/give a fuck who's doing anything else.

Is his name on GMail really "joe matarese" in lowercase? Such a professional.

Thx.. that original site is horrible on mobile

I see what you mean about the time stamps. Also this looks fishy

I knew it! The prick photoshopped this! Him trying to play the victim sickens me. My hatred for him just went up a notch.

This should have its own post


Fuck you faggot

He took too much Adderall and had to use all the energy somehow.

This faggot's wife pays the bills anyways. The only reason she isn't divorcing him is because she'd have to split half of her assets with his broke ass.

Joe mater-alimony


What are ya a ghost or sumthin?

You’re a day late Halloween was yesterday sir

You ever get it where the haters are trying to cancel your gigs... anyway

Happens to me all the time.

Can't see this on my work PC. Damn it.

Can you put these into an imgur album? This site isn't showing up properly on my tablet, when I try to zoom in or out it gets wonky as fuck.

"It's a photo hosting site, called 'Imgur...'"


Is that not how you pronounce it? it not pronounced "imager"? Am I finding out I'm stupid?

I have no idea I just wanted to quote Joe Sweatpants

Ol' Mall-Walker Shoe Cumia

Those white trainers are hilarious

~fuck~ Your honour, I didn't want to bring up Reddit,,,

Sure buddy here ya go

Thx.. that original site is horrible on mobile

it's horrible on desktop too, dunno wtf OP was thinking

He's too busy doing his joe Matarese impression in the bathroom mirror

Lmao, thanks man.

don't be silly that would kill all credibility

Somehow this is funnier because you’re not even in USA. It’s international hating going

"I could give two shots if people make jokes about." That means you care, Joe. Dummy.

There's some more in another email here and here

That second email is a vague random threat. What does that have to do with you? The videos get hundreds of views but it's your fault for creating satire? He's blaming you for 'stirring up the pot' and inspiring people to come after him?

He's really clueless. But totally not 'thin skinned'.

Joe was definitely the one trying to sign into your Google account.


  1. The guy is in comedy for 30 years and he has to personally get gigs as opposed to having an agent and manager do it.

  2. Jesus Christ the amount of texts he sends to club owners makes him look so desperate.

  3. Porsalin, use imgur next time. Thanks.

I did originally use a picture hosting site 'imagur' but figured you'd want the original email unedited so figured i'd save as pdf. Anyway the 'imagur' links are in the thread.

Thank you for your service, Limey

Hey is that really his email? I wanna see if I can talk to God himself.

Yeah I mean it's pretty easy to find so it's not like I'm doxxin the guy

Thanks m8

*daxxxin tha guyyyyy

Not that big of a deal anyhow. TACS showed it a while ago onscreen.

Hes a "successful" comedian. I shouldnt be able to contact him by email.

He's not succesful in any sense of the word

You try getting on AGT and failing miserably in front of millions. Not that easy.

That's true I guess he has some talent after all

Do you say "hey it's joe maaatarese" all day to yourself?

Dude are you a fucking pedophile? I’m not saying you definitely are, but you didn’t say that you aren’t even once in that statement, so now I just don’t know what to think.

I am NOT a pedophile.

You're gonna have to confirm that on tv in front of a judge.

Confirming it one time only should be enough though?

I'll do it fourteen times just in case

I liked the PDF format.

Will you kill your kid too?

no Idea who this guy is. I'm just waiting for the sub to stop cause

waiting for the sub to stop

Wait for it to refuel at the next port.

I didn't either a few months ago and was similarly waiting for it to stop but then I started following it. It's worth it m8

You keep making jokes about Adderall And see the crowd not laugh at all

The fact that he says "hey it's me Joe Matarese" is so fucking funny

And the real Joe Matarese said

"I'm not really as thin skinned as it appears, but people are taking shots and [at?] my wife and kids ..."

thinned skinned

True, he did say thinned skinned.

Goddamn, the guy trying to get the gigs cancelled is pretty brilliant. Such a simple method.

'ah no proaablim. everyone knows im in cahoots with poooorsalin.'

again what fucking gigs. his wife better up the meds as he is losing his mind. serves him right, should have happened a long time ago.

I really hate Joe Matarese but pretending to be him and getting his gigs cancelled is kind of fucked up.

Yeah, I don't think this is cool either. It's one thing to impersonate Roland and book a guest on a show, or make funny videos, and another to straight up be an asshole and try to cost someone whatever tiny, failure of a pathetic 30 years of useless experience income they can get.

Yeah that's some hardcore shit

Yeah, it's not like he's playing in a shitty U2 cover band or something.

On the surface, no question, but there's no denying that fewer Joe Matarese gigs is for the greater good.

Also, he's gotta get it through his Silver Linings Gabbagoosh that all roads lead to him leaving "showbiz" and getting a real job, anyway. Hastening that realization will ultimately save Joe and his family months, if not years, of heartache, futility, and shame.

For all we know, his wife is funding this operation. She should at least be encouraging it.


Would you feel bad if he did kill himself, like he talked about?

"thinned skinned" the fucking retard...

Wow guys we have proof that a least one Joe Matarese fucks kids.

I hope whoever is cancelling his gigs doesn't go to Walmart to steal a Vizio soundbar. It's been proven to be a bad idea.

Dude - I can't even read these. Can you post them a different way?

Hes a "successful" comedian. I shouldnt be able to contact him by email.

You try getting on AGT and failing miserably in front of millions. Not that easy.

waiting for the sub to stop

Wait for it to refuel at the next port.

I am NOT a pedophile.

I didn't either a few months ago and was similarly waiting for it to stop but then I started following it. It's worth it m8