I tried to listen to yesterdays J&S Show. It's bad. I tried to skip past the shitty part, but the entire show is mocking an idiot named Troy and some other nobody. I would rather listen to Opie Radio.

0  2017-11-01 by FirstWDay


TRY and listen to this.

See how far you can make it.


Jim and Sam really stink. Not a funny or entertaining show in any way. I'll give Opie this, almost every day we had a new clip to hate on. Jim and Same is so fucking boring no one even bothers.

I still find myself looking up clips from ope raqio to annoy myself.


that shit is so fucking bad its good.

Agreed... it's complete garbage but nothing is worse than Opie and his 'guys'.

This is worse. At least Vic Henley knew some facts and Opie would try to find entertaining topics in the news and online. This is nothing- pure vapid nonsense. Jim wasn't even funny. And the worst part is that they are all acting like everything is so fucking hysterically funny.

Opie Roberts is the last professional broadcaster. You will see one day that all of his morning zoo antics are a work that has been years in the making. It has nothing to do with his intelligence or ability to entertain.