When the fuck did he do this?!

42  2017-11-01 by Littlebigjohn1


That will get him more subscribers! Keith must be behind this brilliant strategy.

He took a page from the Joe Matarese' Book Of Self-Promotion.

Last night. He retweeted David Duke about immigration and was arguing with people all night. Most didn't even know who he was, they just look for people who like or retweet David Duke and argue with them.


I retweet militant alt left accounts. Why is THIS so much worse? I’ve tweeted accts calling the extinction of whites. No complaints then?

I’m not implying anything. I’m sure I follow & retweet many people you dislike. Why is THIS one any different?

I retweeted his post because it was an accurate assessment of the situation. I retweet posts for lots of different reasons. Problem??

Your twitter feed quickly let’s me know why you posted this. You just hate the political point of view. At least be honest.

But that doesn’t mean we need to import other maniacs like Islamic extremists to add to the carnage.

Who’s not seeing this for what it is? How fucking stupid or delusional do you have to be to not see the agenda here?

Then keep them all the fuck out until they are extremely vetted.

I love when he freaks out about white genocide

I know, right
I'll fuck a mocha girl all day long.
Show us your ass, sweetie

I would gladly do my part to breed the white race out of existence if I had enough game to pull a chocolate dimepiece.

it doesn't take game, your typical negress is more sexually aggressive. if you're appealing in any way they'll actually hit on you.

Well that rules me out

I didnt have enough time to take enough pics to get a cute one im at work this is the best i could do. Now stop asking


Yich. I hate when I say "ass pic" and girls are like "DID YOU MEAN MY PANTIES???"
I should be staring into your asshole, and like Nietzsche said, it should be staring into me.

So sorry to disappoint

You're a good girl, you just frustrate me.

nigga she already posted asshole


nope, just do some detective work

She never posted her asshole, only her tits and pussy. You're a fucking liar.

I definitely posted it

On this account? Why must you make me work? Fine, I'll look through all your posts.

Going through your post history it seems you used to post a lot of nudes earlier, what happened? You found god?

There's nothing more for me to show

Come on, there's always more. Video and shiznit. I didn't go all the way but just found pics.

I was hoping this was posted like 2hrs later, after you did the detective work and found nothing, but it was only 6 minutes :/

I've seen all her nudes and there's no butthole. I know it exists but I don't believe she's posted it.

im a lot of bad things sir, but a liar is not one of them

also i'd like to make it clear im not a pedophile

Like a Scranton 6.

I know it's a reference from The Office but this is how we lose nice things.

There's like 200 subreddits filled with 10s, who gives a shit about some dumb 5 begging for attention here?

Because she's our girl, and I would rather have someone dedicated to showing herself only to /r/O&A than literally every and anyone. If she starts posting in other NSFW subs then maybe I'll see your point.

I only say this slightly ironically, but leave it alone.

Thanks bro. Im not begging for attention just giving the people what they want

I dig the glasses.

If that was true you'd grow a dick and film Opie's suicide.

Working on it.

God speed, you're our last hope.

Not white knighting, but you're a treasure and I have a think for curly hair. Too bad you're nowhere near New York otherwise I'd meet your TV remote requirement.

Nice. Im originally from ny

Well now you're asking for it. Niceeee

... is this child porn?

You'd know...except you love nigger child porn. Get raped faggot

So brave.

Niiiiiiiggggggggeeerrr Oh Niiiiiiiggggggggeeerrr. Take my cock up your ass Niiiiiiiggggggggeeerrr

nice shoulder!

You are smoochable all over then, I guess.

His sister is quite the mocha girl

Who want to see a pockmarked old man ass you fucking weirdo

I don't think he has anything to worry about if it actually somehow happens.

You'd think he'd support it - the darker the country gets, the whiter he looks by comparison.

This is confusing, are these all Ant tweets? Or do they include replies?

All Anthony tweets. He said he's unlocking in 2 days after the Duke stuff blows over.

I thought he wanted an open and honest discussion 24/7 tho?

He mentioned on AA his book authors are getting a little worried and asked he dial it back, so it could be related.

Then hours later retweeted David Duke when hundreds of people were making the same point.

He is not a smart man. He came from the same vagina as Brother Joe.

He is smart.

His problem is that he's not sober.

Joe Cumia has never publically denied accusations of racism, homophobia, bigotry, and pedophilia.

Anthony is dumb as hell. Did you ever read the full catfishing story? No one who is smart wouldnt have been able to see right through that fake persona. The guy behind it tried hard to make it obvious.

And not to mention, no one smart gets that into mainstream US politics. Especially jumping on a cliche one side like that, being a 'party' guy.

The man has lost his career hating black people. He can't even just start hating them in private?

Now we're talking UNCENSORED.

Above all else...REAL.

Free Speech except if it's anything negative about me.

Safe space Cumia

Probably after he had the bright idea to retweet David duke

Ha. Ant and Matarese, two sides of the same shitty coin.

Any coin Ant is on drops in value by two fifths

Echo Chamber Cumia got a little into the sauce last night and is under scrutiny again?

What's he got left to lose this time?

A book deal.

What destroys Compound Media first?:

  1. Artie's crippling drug addiction
  2. Ant's lack of self-control when it comes to race.
  • 3. Ant's nigger-rich lifestyle, family/yes-men handouts, and low subscription numbers puts him into bankruptcy.

Artie thinks they have 4 million listeners. He said it on one of the shows. Just like he talked about his $750k salary. I bet we could get the numbers from him. He would be easy to trick

Artie saved Anthony's failing career, even with the crippling drug addiction

Agreed. But let's be honest, how much of a long term can Artie possibly be.

where the fuck is my safe space


Another safespace faggot.

Looks like he bought 30k followers

I thought it was against the rules to have a new twitter account after getting banned?

Above all else...REAL.

Nice. Im originally from ny