Individually placed follicles

64  2017-11-01 by aPersonStranded



This looks like a picture from a behind the counter shrine at the local 7-11. Someone light a candle.

his name is Terence Mckenna. Sounds like the kind of douche Joe Rogan would worship. shrooooooms, man

Terrence Mcumia or sumthin

I read this book on taking psychedelic trips back when I was growing mushrooms and taking LSD microdosing all the time. Fun times but he believes in lots of dumb pseudo-science new agey shit.

ugh yuck. Im tired of this hippy loser being worshipped by the new age drug addicts. THINK FOR YOURSELF MANNNN

Except Terence was completely against the degeneracy hippies exhibit. Thinking for yourself is terrible advice? Yep, I'm on reddit.


Terence Mckenna. Surprised this sub to mention him.

you're the one who mentioned him

Too bad his brother is a complete moron

my old roommate in minneapolis worked under dennis mckenna at the u and would casually bring it up every opportune moment he saw fit. he'd always talk about dennis like he was the coolest guy. he also wore the same grateful dead sweatshirt everyday and only listened to phish while reading marijuana strain reviews, but never smoked.

Sounds horrible

"while reading marijuana strain reviews, but never smoked" what a fucking moron

McKenna is actually pretty funny and interesting if you get over the new age retards that put tribal techno behind his speeches alongside clips from the matrix.

Is this painted on the side of a van?

Where we at with the machine elves?

Uncle Tel!

Guy had a giant antenna for receiving the internet above his bedroom in Hawaii and spent 6+ hours a day online. The internet gives you brain tumors.