Troy is actually extremely depressed and hates life thats why he acts like that.

70  2017-11-01 by pta11

He used to be the cool young guy,now all of his friends are married and have careers and he is still working the same position and probably the same money he was on like 10 years ago.In the mean time everyone who used to work with him has either moved on or moved up and he now has to answer to a little bitch like sam.In a few years shitloaf will also move ahead of him its the classic tale of the old hating the young


Who cares. He pissed off the comedy cop jim Norton because he didn’t like be made fun of. How dare somebody get upset at being made fun of like the hole that left the chip podcast. Idiots should take one for the team so he can make money!

He's a grown man angrily telling an adult he's not happy with their Halloween costume. In other words, a faggot.

Jimmys a grown man telling another man not to react to being shit on by an underling on national radio. Yay jimmy, everybody should be gelded.

Jimmys a grown man telling another man not to react to being shit on by an underling on national radio. Yay jimmy, everybody should be gelded.

He's always been a weirdo. I knew a ton of people who went to his high school - same graduating class actually - and not one of them were candy ravers. They were all grungy flannel-wearing suburbanites. To the extent that the hot girls were all so bored with what they saw on a daily basis that they came to the city to drink and get knocked up by douchebag wiggers because I guess we were more "interesting".

There's no way he's actually straight. And his closet is deep as shit.

Gen X is the worst.

What's with his fake name, though?

he is a fag

Nobody who works for this show could possibly be happy.

Troy's obsessive need to be cool shows just how much of a faggot he is. I remember when he was angry at Erock for not skateboarding in the park but instead going home to play videogames and eat ice cream. I also remember Troy saying something about how he doesn't have a tv or some shit to sound like he's above it.

Of course, Opie stole the award for biggest faggot in the room by immediately asking Troy "Well what do you watch?" Idk Opie, not everybody obsessively watches TV like you.

You're insinuating he was young like 10 years ago.

being a 50 year old broke hipster douche is whats killing him inside.

Erock, comment?

Jimmys a grown man telling another man not to react to being shit on by an underling on national radio. Yay jimmy, everybody should be gelded.

"A little further... a little further... This is going to be such a good picture, babe. The sunset is right behind you. No, you aren't close to the edge... a little further..."

I almost never read my responses.