Buried that sockcucka!

517  2017-11-01 by yismeicha


Thank you for doing what he did to his body

Oh no, did somebody's cake get stomped again?

I am so sick of people tweeting like trump

Drumpf hur dur

The fact that he describes a jihadist who wants to die as some sort of "attention whore" ala any creep that used to appear on O&A is beyond me. Just concise, well thought out political opinion here.

Sam explaining in his nasally, self-assured monotone falsetto voice that "No see if you call them that, that's what they don't want so you win"

No, shithead. This isn't wrestling, they're not trying to get over. They're trying to kill people in the name of their god.

Their false moon god.

As opposed to the "Real" god?




Fucking savage

I'm sure some guy who's looking to actively participate in a holy war gives a fuck about being called an attention seeking loser by some mulatto radio host no ones really heard of

Take us out Erock!

Is he talking about today's jim and sam show?


That was a solid kick to the dick.


I legit thought this was about something stupid Tits did.

“attention seeking nobodies”

what an odd way to describe someone who does this. it’s like an understatement and an irrelevant description. it’s almost like he really was talking about himself

He can only understand world events in terms of radio bits. Jihadis are glorified shock jocks.

Fawk yeah that will give them some perspective.

holy fuck

did he delete it?

that was fucking brilliant


Was in the Air Force

Leave it alone.

(Repeats punchline)

She's heating up a Kid Cuisine for him right now

"Wasn't ur best show"! ehahaha!

The "ur" form of your is what makes it, for some reason. It's so dumb that it sounds much more demeaning.