So how did Gavin "go Hollywood" like he was teasing?

19  2017-10-31 by FlashVirus

That little faggot was teasing that big things were in the works, denounce the alt-right and all the 'racists' in his gay Proud Boys organization all so he could end up on some shitty podcast with less quality than Ant's. How did he "go hollywood" like he was teasing for a month?


He started fucking pre-teens.

now a days, going Hollywood means sexual assaulting women or fucking children so I think hes right on schedule

It was an epic fail. Now he's acting like Republicans back when George W. Bush was president. I think he's trying to be like one of those Republican apologists CNN has on for "debates".

So like a real Republican and not the collectivists that claim to be Republicans now.

fuck off fag.

Teddy Roosevelt = Collectivist, big government Lincoln = collectivist, big government

Where are all ur libertarian republican presidents?

Every libertarian needs to hear this

It looks like they took it down but that fucking libertarian nut Kokesh debated Lauren Southern recently on immigration. It's so amazing getting into their minds. Definitely watch it.

It's such a fucking sham man. I loved the old TGMS show. At the start he had guys like Taylor, Derb, Goad and other pretty interesting people on. Show was actually funny and pretty transgressive. It all started to change when I noticed one day, out of nowhere, he put up 'pro-Israel' 'anti-Nazi' on his twitter when the only time he'd ever mentioned Israel before was to say he couldn't give a fuck about the desert squabbles.

Now it's just Fox tier bullshit find all the minorities and pretty young women we can to repeat shit tier conservative talking points. Never touch race, invade world invite world 'as long as they assimilate hurp durp'.

What a disappointment.

fuck off fag.

Teddy Roosevelt = Collectivist, big government Lincoln = collectivist, big government

Where are all ur libertarian republican presidents?