Does everyone here think 9/11 was real

0  2017-10-31 by brothermanbrotherman

Answer the question


Nigga what the fuck you askin that stupid shit for?

well it happened so yeah it was fucking real you dummy. re ask the question

Why don't you tell us what you think, you clearly have...questions.

Hulk did it for us

tss ya i go there for slurpees all da time.

I never saw it happen, so there's no way to be sure.

September 11th (or November 9th for you limey fucks) is a real date, yeah.

Larry Silverstein made a lot of money that day

Thermite paint, crisis actors, tower 7, Illuminati, jews, etc. etc.

Knowing what we know now (politicians and the media are full of shit), I cannot understand why so many people take the official narrative as gospel.

Nah, I'm still convinced everything, everyone and rwality as a whole are just collective figments of my imagination, where my mind thinks up of jumbo jets flying into buildings and killing over 10k people in that days events and the subsequent years to follow.

Does someone have Matarese's pill doctor's phone number by chance? He also (in my mind) believes he's a comedian. Hmm I guess I'm the only one who can answer that.

What do you mean “real”? And at this point I’ve lost any grip I had on reality to begin with.