My favorite part of today's AA show was them casually shitting on Joe.

8  2017-10-30 by zealot416


why is this not posted yet? You lazy fruits.

It was free on Facebook. Still didn't watch.

you wouldve crashed the delivery van

My favorite part of this sub is when you assume we still watch/listen to these shows.

Im praying there's a new episode of 100% Italian, with Lisa Lampenelli.

"Heyyy, what giivves? We're both Italian, capeesh?"

it was a good show. artie saved anthony's career

Artie is great even when he’s just steamrolling the guests. Seemed like Ant wanted to get Regan more involved but Artie was all over the place. But it was a good show.

They tried behave with Regan and only said "The N-word" instead if just saying "nigger".