Complete list of Hollywood actors that aren't faggots

39  2017-10-30 by Single_Action_Army

Clint Eastwood
Mel Gibson


Sean Connery

Nah, fuck his slurring. It's not endearing, it just makes James Bond sound like he has Sherrod's tongue.

ok he hood

Stupid cunt Barbara Walters trying to guilt trip this great man.

hmm...I didn't like that

That's glorious

Look at that cunt "memmbaa thaaaaat??? Yaaa?" Sarcastic bitch.

Leave it alone.

Dassabesso, Jamesabesso.

In 2004 I saw him drunkenly fall out of a black cab in Belgravia, laughing his ass off. The driver got out to help him up but Connery just screamed at him "Shoo!....Shoo you!" and kept laughing.

James Woods and Vince Vaughn are the only 2 I can think of.

Kiefer Sutherland, Vinnie Jones, Kurt Russell

Unfortunately not Kiefer, his inside the actors studio appearance was vomitous

Really? Ive only seen him in the news for getting black out drunk tackling Christmas trees, and walking into restaurants naked

His most hated word was the word nigger, so he's full of guilt.

He ruined Metal Gear, fuck him. Actually, V was a travesty by all measures, so he's okay.


I believe Gary Oldman can be classified as a Real Ass Nigga for defending Mel Gibson.

He backpedaled like a fag hole hungry for cock as soon as the phone started ringing.

Yeah but cmon: When millions are on the line, every caves. Cut Oldman a break. He probably still thinks what he said is true, he just had to save his ass.

Yeah id publically turn on you faggots for a salami. Let alone millions.

Don't get me wrong, I love the Oldman and I would do the same thing for much less money. For 500K/year I would be the best Jew lover ever.

Didn't the boys teach you anything about fake apologies?

Gary Oldman was an early adopter on the anti-PC train. His interview in playboy from 2014:

In a wide-ranging interview, the Oscar-nominated star of Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy cited "political correctness" when asked to comment on Gibson's predicament, and said people should "take a fucking joke".

Added Oldman: "I don't know about Mel. He got drunk and said a few things, but we've all said those things. We're all fucking hypocrites. That's what I think about it. The policeman who arrested him has never used the word 'nigger' or 'that fucking Jew'? I'm being brutally honest here. It's the hypocrisy of it that drives me crazy."

Full interview:

I had no idea Oldman was such a straight shooter

Plus the man can shapeshift so if anyone were to come after him he'll just ttransform into a racially ambiguous pimp with dreadlocks, or Daniel Day Lewis.

Danny Glover also continuously refused to bite whenever interviewers would try to lure him towards throwing Mel under the racism bus, I don't think he ever even hit him with a soft "I'm very disappointed in his comments, etc." as far as I can remember.

i would watch a new lethal weapon

This HAS to happen. Martin Riggs will be fuckin jacked and Danny Glover will do a great Blind Melon Chitlin.

That's cool, especially considering that Glover is an activist. That said, he's an old school activist who's more concerned with starving Haitians than mis-gendered college students and offensive Halloween costumes.

Yeah, I know he was an old school activist going back to at least the 80's and probably earlier, if I remember he was actually involved with South African apartheid which partially led to the story in Lethal Weapon 2, back when agendas didn't always ruin movies. Even if someone wanted to tackle some social issue, they could still make something decent and watchable in the process.

Absolutely. He's actually more active than ever now but I guess his sort of "let's help people" activism isn't sexy enough for the bloggers.


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Joe Pesci

Anything you want Leo Getz, get it?

Clint Eastwood was Arthur Lubin's rent boy when he fist started out...

So Mel is our last hope.

Clint Eastwood annoys me. I liked some of his films (Gran Torino, Flags of Our Fathers, Letters from Iwo Jima) but I thought American Sniper was annoying. Chris Kyle, even the whitewashed version of him presented in the film, came off as an unsophisticated stupid hick. I like the military (in general), guns, and the south, but that movie was trying way too hard.

Eastwood is making a new film which seems like a rehash of American Sniper and it's just more jerking off about the military. We get it, Clint, they made sacrifices. We get it.

Flags of Our Father sucked. Stupid drunken Indian. Who gives a fuck?

Unforgiven was pretty sweet.

How old are you? The man has a goddamn fifty year career of being awesome before any of that shit you mentioned.

Yeah, I get what you're saying. Clint is a good old school guy and he's done great stuff but he's also a bit hacky at times. I lost a lot of respect for him after that absolute shit fest hereafter.

He did that great movie with the orangutan, thinks its called Unforgiven.

Gene Hackman is in it to.

You know, I really thought that was a bad ass movie seeing it as a kid. As an adult it's pretty dated and bordering on cheesy. Still a decent watch if never seen.

Clint Eastwood is a vegan and has been for most if his career. Sorry.

he was vegan when it wasn't cool, he gets a pass

Its always been hip amongst faggots.

and rastas

Rastas treat their women like shit, its funny to joke about but not when it's part of your dumb religion which treats some (avid christian) politician from Ethiopia like the 2nd coming of the messiah.

So? You are much bigger faggot for knowing what some other man eats.

He's 92 years old, maybe he was onto something.

Mark walhberg

He asked for people who ARENT faggots, not for enormous faggots

What's wrong with him? He attacked a gook and took his eye out and used to steal cars

Being a mondo Douche saying things would’ve been different if he was on the 9/11 flights, being a little pussy leaving the super bowl early this year only to one the Patriots following season like he’s totally a die hard fan.

Well fuck, t every contribution I make to the sub can't be a winner.

He currently claims to pray to God and Jesus to forgive him for being in the movie Boogie Nights.

Jesus loving faggot.

The worst kind of faggot

Nothing wrong with a little praying here and there

Praying for forgiveness for being in his only good movie is pretty stupid.

That's easily the best movie he's ever been and the peak of his acting career.

I saw him talking about how the family/will farell movies hes making now will out last Boogie Nights. No way.

The drug deal scene in Boogie Nights is the best he will ever act, and he should be sucking Paul Thomas Anderson's dick for letting be in that movie.

He was the perfect actor to play a porn star, what with his incredible abilities and always confused tone.

damn when you put it that way he sounds cool as fuck. also when he was asked about it he said he forgave himself.

True he did do this. Got get points

Friend who worked closely to Vince Vaughn for years says he was a pretty cool dude.

Suck his cock?

Me? I wish

His new prison movie is pretty fun and f graphic

that movie was so subtly fucked up, saw it yesterday. by the time he ends up in redleaf it becomes a bizarre exploitation movie and it's so hilariously over the top.

When a Mexican Prisoner tells Vaughan that he's on their turf and Vaughan says "This is American and the last Time I checked the flag isn't red, white and burrito" I almost jizzed.

He's a fucking legend.

He then proceeded to sever their spines with his bare hands. Vince Vaughan is huge and I can't confidently say he couldn't do that in real life.

I never noticed how big he was until this film. He physical presence is huge. He made Don Johnson look like a child. He's 6'5" and is built like a brick shithouse.

6'5" ≈ 1.96 metres

metric units bot | feedback | source | hacktoberfest | block | refresh conversion | v0.12.0-beta

Fuck off.


He actually does jiu jitsu too. He's been training at least a couple years I think, he's in some of the Gracie breakdown videos. He's glaring at Meryl Streep during her MMA speech at the Oscars.

When he smashed that beaners face and scraped it on the ground I cringed so hard, that was goddamn brutal. One of the best movies I've seen this year, and I wouldn't have known about it if not for this sub,

god damn im mexican and this just makes me want to see it even more now

It was brutal as fuck, check that shit out.

Brawl in cell block 99 was fucking great

Best movie I've seen this year.

The director has a movie with Vince Vaughn and Mel Gibson about police brutality called Dragged On Concrete. I'm not sure what that means but them beating up minorities sounds great.

Bone tomahawk is fucking great. Just completely unnecessarily savage.

Dragged Across Concrete, like what he did to that spics face.

he's so money, baby

No surprise. He's good friends with Mel Gibson.


Scorch would push your shit in with the quickness.

Those are fighting words sir. I am report you to weird news.

Easy big fella, I'm just saying he is queer - thats all.

Oh they are both pederasts

that pretty much went without saying. nobody backed by a nude militia and a kingdom of nakedness could be a faggot

He plays BAD GUYS!!!!

hey I heard he's PFG

Any celebrity who rolls around in dog piss daily just to thwart the PC Hollywood agenda is a hero of this sub!


You don’t think some (((producer))) wanted Arnold to brute fuck them like a Germanic barbarian?

Believe it or not that is an absolute fact Arnold didn't fuck any guys but he let plenty of gay (((Producers))) worship him and blow him when he was starting out.

A close relative of mine worked for a high end chauffeur company in the 70/80's.

He says it common knowledge that this happened.


Fuck Arnold for going all "I literally can't even" every time Trump said something about women the past year, as if the guy wasn't banging everything in sight for decades.

I have a hunch that the Trump/Schwarzenegger feud is mostly a publicity stunt. Similar to how Oasis and Blur feuded for the publicity.

John Turturro

John Goodman

Michael Madsen

kurt russel

Ive read a couple old biographies, and seriously the only guys that weren't gay in old Hollywood seems to be Elvis, Sinatra, and John Wayne. That's about it.

John Wayne was a fag.

I installed two-way mirrors at his pad in Brentwood, and he'd come to the door in a dress.

Plate of shrimp

You're a fag

Are you 80?

Tom Hardy

Great actor but he is a literal fag.


He loves pecka.

Because he admited to literally having had gay sex, and has never been seen candidly within arms reach of a woman.

He’s married

He has openly spoken of his peckah experiments in interviews, he gets angry when people bring it up now though.

As he should

Matt Hardy

Steve Guttenberg.

Norm MacDonald Christopher Walken

Norm is addicted to Xanax and got fat because hes a secret fag. Just like Colin.

Is that why I'm obese? From all the cum?

I've heard tell that Norm is actually a deeply closeted gay man.

He always travels with a young man. Cato, Steve Fromstein, some chubby guy whose name I can't remember, Adam Eget.


Mel Gibson

Forgot Kurt Russell you piece of shit.

Not that I disagree but did he do or say something in particular that was admirably antisemitic? Just curious.

He called Goldie Hawn a "dirty jew whore" while she was suckin his peckah.

Moshe Kasher

wait shit

let me try again

Paul Feig


damn this is hard.

I would love to bump into Moshe Kasher in a self defense situation

I'm pretty sure you could render that wobbly kike comatose with a feather duster and a stern frown.

I would chop him and Natasha down to the dirt with only leg kicks.

I'd chop Natasha down with MY FUCKING PECKA DVVV

a stern frown.


I don't know, he's from Oakland after all...

Just suggest he is racist and watch him fall apart

Barry Pepper

What did he say about Barry Pepper?

That Barry Pepper was a real person you could hangout with. A non method actor who can take a joke about some of the movies he said.

Cool, he's a good but under appreciated actor.

He played Roger Maris in the baseball movie HBO did called *61. Thomas Jane plays Mickey Mantle, no one saw it, but its a great sunday afternoon movie

One of my favorite movies.

he's a d-list actor. the lower you are on the pole the more likely you are to not be a faggot.

Jon voight

Jon Voight is a cheap cunt who would run Hollywood like a Vietnamese sweatshop if he could get away with it. Actually... maybe he has some good ideas.

That's his daughter's master plan.

I met him in dental school!

Tom selleck

David Duchovny; James Gandolfini, if you count the dead.

James Gandofilie?

James Gandalfini

Fun Fact: Marion was cast as Vito's stand in.

Duchovny just "took a knee"

Fuck me, really?

They did it in a studio, while filming an episode, when no national anthem was being played, for social media, and attention.

shoooot me

There goes my fucking childhood.

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Opie, as in Ron Howard I assume

It'd be hilarious if the most normal, (relatively) well adjusted and non-sexual assaulty celebs were the scientologists!!

Mel was never a Scientologist. That entire thing came from a really lazy joke by Kimmel at some awards show.

Mate: John Travolta; Tom Cruise; Will Smith.

They're all gay and worship Baphomet

Kevin spacey

Pee-wee Herman

Joe Piscopo. First he left his wife for the babysitter, then he kicked her ass.

Jersey Joe has a house worker fetish

And he doesn't pull out because he's a real man.

Is James Woods a Hollywood actor?

Yes. And he's the realest nigga I've ever seen come out of Hollywood.

Amber Tamblyn -whose steadily becoming the biggest budinski shithead in Hollywood- tried to blast Woods for trying to pick her up when she was 15-16.

And Woods scored a 1570 on is SAT back when 1600 was max.

I'm always amazed whenever people praise James Woods. He's a partisan hack who is always crying about LIBRULS online. Fuck him. He stinks.

HIS TWITTER is legendary

My nigga Jimmy woods is packin at least 9

Jack Nicholson.

I always got a 'macho vibe' from Hugh Jackman.

Hugh Jackman is a super gay bear daddy. He loves a good song and dance and his beard is a 65 year old fat woman.


Brando. One too many dry martinis and he told the truth on live television. Although the next day he (((repented))) for his sin.

He was also pretty open about the fact that he liked to smoke the occasional pole

Towards the end, wasn't he batshit crazy?

Michael Madsen

Bruce Campbell

He was in Dinner for Five on IFC years ago, and he may not be a full-on bedwetting liberal, but I don't remember him being a conservative. This was probably W's second term. Nobody was openly conservative in Hollywood except James Wood and Tom Selleck.

To be fair, many people hated Bush II during his term.

Kevin "Hercules" Sorbo

Perez Hilton always seemed like a mans man.

Hi Jim

How have you spooks failed to include Jon Voight?

haha can never forget voight and his famous seinfeld car, lol.

so if you're a Conservative, you're not a faggot, when did this place become /r/the_donald 2?

It's not our fault that it's mostly liberals that are whiny faggots.


Orson Welles

Orson was always sittings at the head table in all of Don Rickles comedy roasts in the 1970s

Didn't know that. I'll have to check those out.

Orson Welles was fucking awesome.

He ended up living with Peter Bogdanovich and his wife towards teh end of his life.

Jack Nicholson. Bruce Willis. James Woods. Kurt Russell did hang out with piggy Schumer that one time, but he's still up there.

Bruce Willis fucks boys

Vincent Gallo is very right wing, might explain why he's never in movies anymore.

Vincent Gallo might be the coolest guy in the world Vincent Gallo giving it to a bunch of british film critics. This guy rules

His Stern interview is also good.

I remember Buffalo 66, just wanting to see Christina Ricci's big delicious tits. She lost weight and now those gorgeous fat tits are gone, what a fucking shame. Women are so goddamn stupid, guys don't want skinny bitches if they're gonna lose their gorgeous feeders.

That guy is fantastic. His movies suck, though.

I pray to a Mel Gibson poster each night before I get comfy under a blanket watching Downfall with my cats

That's right kitty, "Mel did nothing wrong", just like daddy taught you

you are a man of great intellect!

Vince Vaughn and James Woods are great, too.

Vince Vaughan is terrible in everything he's in, I couldn't watch true detective because of him.

Tony Sirico

Jim J Bullock

Jon Voight

James Woods

Vince Vaughn

Mel, America’s only hope

Fuck this Arnold Schwarzenegger needs some love too. Fucked countless bitches, fucked his ugly nanny, made T2

I feel like Brad Pitt would be a cool guy.

I'd say Michael Madsen too

Samuel L Jackson

Seinfeld isn't a faggot. He is a Jew, though.

What about Nathan Lane? He always struck me as a real mans man!

Lawrence Tierney. He would have had a semi-regular role on Seinfeld as Elaine's dad, if he hadn't stolen a knife from the set and pulled it on Jerry when he confronted him about it. During the filming of Reservoir Dogs he'd get drunk, would whip his dick out in traffic and fight people, including Tarantino, the cast and police. Chris Penn's story about him is fucking hilarious.

Bruce Campbell.

Burt Reynolds?

Dave Chappelle recently said he's considering quitting comedy again because he doesn't like this PC shit thats taken over comedy since hes returned. When he got slammed by all the different faggot groups for doing transphobic and homophobic material in his specials, he was said to respond to it by going even harder on it in his newer material. One of the rare non-faggots left in comedy. Todays comedy audiences dont deserve Dave.

Chappelle is one of the only people in Hollywood that actually had principles, he turned down millions in his prime. Those filthy heebs couldn't buy him.

He's a moslim.

Chuck Norris

Adam West and Burt Ward are legendary cocksmen.

Only weak suburban faggot men think Clint Eastwood is tough or masculine.

His family moved often as his father worked at jobs along the West Coast,[29][30] although they did not move at all between 1940 and 1949.[31][32] Settled in Piedmont, California, the Eastwoods lived in a very wealthy part of town, had a swimming pool, belonged to the country club, and each parent drove their own car.[33]

Haha he called them spooks

Look at you actually making an effort, actually trying hard to defend a famous older male, on his behalf

I can't fathom the worthlessness of being you

Ron Pearlman

He's a completely flaming faggot who "loves curling up in a blanket and watching MSNBC".

James Woods ain't too bad either

I don't know why this surprises so many people. Men who are actors are considered gay at every level other than Hollywood. In Hollywood they're considered masculine men for some reason.

They're the same faggots from high school drama classes and Broadway.

Especially the last 2 years of the second term. Economy was bad. I'm not sure how much of it was really his fault.

Jim Norton


I would chop him and Natasha down to the dirt with only leg kicks.

It's not our fault that it's mostly liberals that are whiny faggots.

As he should

He called Goldie Hawn a "dirty jew whore" while she was suckin his peckah.


haha can never forget voight and his famous seinfeld car, lol.

hmm...I didn't like that

a stern frown.


That Barry Pepper was a real person you could hangout with. A non method actor who can take a joke about some of the movies he said.

I don't know, he's from Oakland after all...

Just suggest he is racist and watch him fall apart

Look at you actually making an effort, actually trying hard to defend a famous older male, on his behalf

I can't fathom the worthlessness of being you

god damn im mexican and this just makes me want to see it even more now

He was the perfect actor to play a porn star, what with his incredible abilities and always confused tone.