The people in the comments are actually mad at this guy. This is what reddit's version of "edgy" humour is.

5  2017-10-30 by MFWinab


Redditors are obese.

Same Redditors who cry and moan "MUH FREE HEALTHCARE!", yet they treat their bodies to a steady IV of Mountain Dew and video gaming. People want to rid themselves of all personal responsability and will power. I hope the human race dies off soon.

Can we say this is Opie and append the cake stomp video to the end?

Nobody would believe this is Opie because that video was funny and Opie is incapable of humour.

Mushed pastries. Is this Ope's new gig?

you are doing that too much. try again in 8 minutes

Yet another reason I only post here

I thought it was because you could hit on us with impunity.

That one bitch was pretty cute.

So all his friends do that shit? Is that the worst group of people in the world?

Do you think these people wouldn't get a kick out of Kuhn Jr. flying out the windshield and grinding into the pavement like an ice cube in a frying pan?

you sure know how to conjure up an image

you sure know how to conjure up an image

"Hipsters take pictures of their food" was a dried up joke like 5 years ago. Nice cutting edge take on it from that faggot

ruining other peoples food is pretty funny.

"I think people taking pictures of their food is a pretty silly habit, and I'd prefer they didn't do it, but regardless of how I felt about that, it still wouldn't be okay to mess with the meal they ordered. (And you're a hypocrite in addition to being a jackass of you're recording the whole thing for social media.)"

Redditors are some of the most high and mighty queers out there. God forbid you play a joke with your friend and mess with their food while their taking a picture of it like an asshole.