after all this Kevin Spacey stuff will one of the monster rain kids come forward to out Jim Norton?

21  2017-10-30 by Dennyislife

It would be as big a shock as Spacey preferring cock.


Jim seems pretty open about that already

no one will waste phone battery to report it

not like it's a midget sighting or anything

It's one thing to take down guys like Harvey Weinstein and Kevin Spacey... that's small potatoes. A guy like Jim Norton is still way too big to get taken down by some sexual assault allegations.

Jim was a child predator and has fucked up people’s heads with his taking advantage of screwed up peers.

Kids who were sexually assaulted often become pedos or sexual weirdos when they grow up. So he probably all left them with guilt and perversions where THEYRE the ones getting #metoo'd.

Jim mislead all of us about these stories. He was 16, sucking off the young children in the neighborhood.

jimmy may be the only one to come out of this okay since he mainly appears to fuck prostitutes.

Jim was actually 17 at the time and smelled like cigarettes and beer. I was only 8 years old. He called it monster rain because he would urinate on my abused body after he was done.

People,glass houses,rocks,etc.