Daily Tinder Chip (14/100)

107  2017-10-30 by Thomas_Daly


What a prude.

she has the personality of a golden retriever. we let these things vote can you believe it?

Do they usually respond to being chipped or just un match immediately?

Oh, oh, hold on, wait... I got somethin' for that... hold on... ahhh...

good bot

half the time they say What then don't respond to anything but never match. a quarter of the time i get them responding to chip literally, and the otber quarter of the time it's an unmatching.

Fawk ya!

good bot

Still reminds me, RIP /u/PhillyCrewBot!! we all knew how u did it

I thought the ladies loved chip though,

Fawk ya, babe!

My favorite bit, making women uncomfortable is always funny.

especially when its sexual in nature

I just wish you did it more often, but I suppose you gotta fuck some of these Winnipeg 6's

ya the ones i dont chip i get nudes from

Hey hey hey what's up party people?

talkijg to one right now shes showin me her bubs ill upload gifs if you want

That'd be nice. It's good to love vicariously through someone now and again

heres a couple for ya pal https://imgur.com/a/cWkV6


Is getting tindr whore nudes that easy?

it is when ya got boyish charm and a big fawkin peckah like me

Damn. Guess I'll keep at it with the rape

We remember you fucking that 80 year old. We know all about your baby pean.

Also women that are attractive or only the likes of those in the gif?

Gawdamn cuz! bitch got some nice titties, probably shouldn't chip that muug

The yellow tinged skin from the phone camera light really adds to the cheap dumpy whore effect.

Ive never seen someone fumble with their tits with that level of haphazardness


No one is feeling uncomfortable after a few retarded tinder exchanges. Get a new hobby, it's not funny even as an inside joke.

you're a better man than me... I think I would've had to throw that one a fuckin'

The conclusion of this bit should be when you finally match a gal who gets the 'Chip' reference, then you meet her & show us all pictures of her cootah.

if even one would play along i know i got a keeper

Any news with those McDonald’s girls?

look lets not talk about that time i attempted to groom 16 year olds.

16? Dude, they were more likely 14.

Yeah they definitely looked hot but they told me they were really sixteen


so definitely fourteen, you new?


Gotta stick with bitches that have dog filters. Those bitches take it right in the fawkin shitter!

I'd suck you pecka any day Thomas.

"Love puns" but doesn't like Chip.

Women suck.

When I read "loves puns" I was hoping this chippin' ended up with Thomas cutting her legs off.

Fawk ya!

"Spontaneous adventures"? Did Anthony write this?

i hate guys whose lives literally revolve around romance with women.

fucking jack off already or get a steady side slut for booty call, and find something else to dwell on you QUEER

My Anthem "Hot Nigga"


Guarantee: she has puffy nips and will require less attention than a normal woman. Because she'll take what she can.

We're so busy "swiping each other on tinder" we forget to "wipe each others tears and be tender"

you piece of shit

The loudest plane doesn't inspire like the quietest bird

I like this bit, but you should probably do something to anonymize these, like black out names and faces. No need to blow up this broad's spot on this terrible little subreddit.

every dumb twat on tinder has the same profile. they deserve to be chipped. god’s work, OP

I probably only swiped right to pet your dog. I like spontaneous adventures and being random but I don't msg first. I have a 3 year old son and he is the most important thing in my life.

Nice thrift store bed set up. Double box springs muthahucka!

You're still my hero.

i do it for you

Why are there two box springs or two mattresses? Also, any bitch taking a photo in her shitty dumpy room will definitely put out. I don't know from experience.

Hahahhahaha ive been looking for that CQ tweet quote forever "wipe away eachothers tears and be tender"


Is getting tindr whore nudes that easy?

Gawdamn cuz! bitch got some nice titties, probably shouldn't chip that muug

The yellow tinged skin from the phone camera light really adds to the cheap dumpy whore effect.

Ive never seen someone fumble with their tits with that level of haphazardness