REMINDER: If you find this person funny you should be thrown in acid

97  2017-10-30 by aPersonStranded


I don't know who that is

He's background noise

Looks like a sickly Dane Cook

Well thank goodness no one will suffer that horrible fate.

The last few LoS podcasts that didn't include dave were hilarious. He's basically opie at this point.

heyyy talk more about politics just like everyone else you stupid cunt

That's literally the only funny thing he does

There isn't any evidence that he has ever said/done anything funny that wasn't a Luis impression

And the fact that he sucks a mean tranny dick.

I'm surprised all you futha muckas ignored that fact when you went in on him and the Crimson Chin.

It's like if you photoshopped one feature from each school shooter from the past 20 years onto the same face.

is that an old gypsy tradition?

yeah, like stealing your ability to be funny

typical. all you gypsies think about, is how to steal something.

also kill yourself you weak kike

yes that's why I said steal you dumb kike

Strabismus is any misalignment of the eyes. Cock-eyed, swarmy, jewface spreads podacast aids wherever a microphone is present. Dave Smith fucking sucks.

*smarmy, ya dingus

I hope this man's belief in the Free Market finds him working at a Subway that gets robbed a by a negro and is shot in the ensuing scuffle.

The free market really isn't setting a great pace for research in the field of crooked-eye-ear-jaw syndrome

You mean like LSD????? I support drugs as a true libertarian maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan

I think he's funny :(

Boat Hack

REMINDER: If you think opie and Anthony is still funny, you’re a nigger faggot.

it's so satisfying to see everyone ignoring you

You didnt ignore me. Troll 100% successful.

Reminder: Redbar likes kanye West

Reminder: if you think Redbar was ever funny, you're an even bigger faggot

niggot ... where's the portmanteau bot when it's needed.

ps. redbar stinks

Dave Smith is the Jim Norton of comedy.

i find him funny... FUNNY LOOKIN'.

You hurr whut I sed?

*hi. can I talk to you about Ron Paul?"