Your time has come Kevin Spacey

83  2017-10-30 by crookedmile


is anyone really shocked?

I am. Had no idea Spacey was of gay descent.

Hollywood man theyre all fags

He's a theater, nigga.

I'm genuinely happy now.

Isn't Hollywood just some occult child sex ring.

Looking like it. Trump is behind all this. Fucking Mastermind. This shit would never have come out of Hillary were president

It's a distraction. Trump is a puppet of the deep state Obama administration.





What made ya stray from T_D bruthahman?

Maybe a little bit, but the whole pizza gate thing smells alot like the big satan worshiping fake news of the 80's.

Yes, satan worship in the 80-90's was insane. But, there was serious massive child sex rings. Pizzagate boiled down to the idea of powerful people having sex with kids and the government knowing/being involved is not that farfetched at all.

Satanic Panic was over the top but there was an increase of dumb bullshit Satanists doing shit and being in the media so it's not like it was just invented out of thin air. But like you said I reall do think the kernel of truth at the center of all that is mass child sex rings and child trafficking. I mean if you remove the Satanic element, school teachers molesting their students really isn't crazy. It happens all the time. In fact they often catch pedos working jobs either with or around children.

it really seems like, looking back on history, where there is smoke there is always fire.

things that are considered just crazy, outlandish conspiracies today are talked about by historians in books as if it's common knowledge and to be expected.

"yeah, of course the king was gay and hosted orgies and he murdered the son of a rival noble family and he secretly signed a secret treaty with the french for a huge bribe. oh, yeah, and he was secretly trying to destroy the church as well as traditional values."

Yes, you're right that it was a trendy crime that media hype amplified. I think there's only a handful of actual satanist crimes and they're all druggy teens.

The school satanist/pedo allegations in the 80-90's were really farfetched though. I think the most expensive court case in Cali history was kids saying they were being flushed down toilets and the teachers were witches.

they learned their storytelling from the jews yeah we're going there now

Pedogate is fucking real, pizza hate was some bs

All I'm getting from this is that Bill Gates must be stopped.

It's the same thing.

Pretty much. I hope Bryan Singer is next, fucking dirty fag.

Yeah, his gold dipped roses suck.

Actually that's Steven Singer

oh literal sjeffiesjeff

people have accused him for years, what more could they say now.

I loved him in that Beastmaster movie.

Got a pretty decent (I guess?) story about Singer: I went to School of Visual Arts in NYC in 2000. 5-6 years earlier, right after Apt Pupil; Singer was teaching some junior or senior thesis film class, between gigs. Not sure what he was like as a teacher but the last day of the thesis class, he went out and brought a shitload of beer for his students and smuggled it into the film building (which had security guards). Being that you're students and getting free beer from your famous teacher that might remember you in the business later on and help you out, there's no fucking way you're going to narc him out over something like this. Yet someone did. He gets fired and banned form the school, which happened to work out because he landed X-Men 2 years later and really got made over-the-top in Hollywood.

Knowing what we now know about the allegations leveled against him; it kind of puts a certain tint on the whole story. Again; who would narc out their famous teacher on Free beer, especially since he was already famous beforehand and became a big deal later? The hope of the motherfucker knowing you would at least mean that he could help you down the line, so why rat? That's obviously the worse thing you can do, networking-wise. Something must have went down with Singer (in his 30's ATT) and his class of mostly male 20-21 year olds...

Or some retard was just bragging to a friend and the word got out? He's still a guaranteed pedofag though.

Wont lie, had to do a chip roll check before reading.

David Geffen is the worst of all of them if the rumors are true.

I like all these people bitching about Weinstein and whatever other producer is in the news atm, but they're posting about buying star wars tickets and fawning over stranger things like children. You can't have your cake and eat it to. Your funding this shit you claim to care about. This shit won't change.

It seems like the perfect industry for a deviant like myself

You can still get into politics! Oh no wait, you can't because you post here.

Kevin Spacey can just say it was Keyser Soze.


My bad, Opie told me to post it.

Nice recovery.

It was Paul from Lawrence, I didn't say it

Where's the tss?

The rumors have been out there before House of Cards. I believe this turd tickler.

The rumors have been out there since the early 90's.

as if I need an excuse

I didn't even think about that. What a great opportunity to call Kevin Spacey a fag!

The majority of pedos are homosexual.. it's part of the culture.. sick fucks.. And if you say anything like this on twitter you'll get banned so fast your head will spin

That's actually incorrect. The vast majority of pedophiles are heterosexual.

This is actually completely true.

There are less gay people so that goes without saying.

It's too bad Ant hates blacks instead of pedos, he'd have those stats at the ready.

Don't just downvote me like a woman. Feel free to post something to prove me wrong. You're just making an assumption and treating it like fact.

Is it your first day on the internet?

The idea that somebody has been on the internet for one day and chose a Biran Gilgore themed username on reddit makes me smile :)

A Brain Gilgore themed username on a 6 year old account... hipster.

Did both of you misspell his name on purpose?

Isn't Brain the guy on the brink?

Look at this fucking dunce's reply.

Anyways I'm not surprised by this shit at all. I've heard Spacey likes the twinks.

Who doesn't.

Christian Bale should be thrown in jail for the shit he did in American Psycho.

The fact that he wasn't immediately rewinding videotapes is criminal.

That's a level of stupid that I just can't even comprehend. What the fuck is going through this person's mind? How do they think movies work?

So does Colin, but he keeps it legal.

Is that rumor even confirmed ?
Or is it just the common wish for this sub's faggots ?

This nigga was in one of the greatest movies of all time? Spacey should be hanged.

So I guess being on the receiving end of any move qualifies as a #MeToo moment.

"Oh no, he leaned in and kissed me. I didn't ask for it. #MeToo."


Shuuure, it was just a natural advance of an older gentleman towards a growing young man, ain't nothin' wrong with that.

Wait, was that Uncle Paul or Milo?


The age is the problem. Fourteen is sick. Though surely it’s been commonplace throughout showbiz history for minors to have certain dalliances with their adult collaborators. They get there by being precocious and fucking would be a natural extension of the dynamic. Powerful titans of today who tried their luck with underage actors that weren’t into it are now living in dire fear of being exposed. The floodgates are open for nobodies and has-beens on the fringes of the industry to recapture the spotlight, or get the kind of attention their work and talent level couldn’t merit, with a woe-is-me sob story of being victimized.


we should be encouraging this, infighting via social media, fuck these people and the garbage culture they push.

I agree with your sentiment completely, but not in this context.

The guy was 14, Anthony.

Kevin suckc peckahs

4chan post from March 2017

plus all the stories about Spacey taking young, not yet established male actors out to dinner at an expensive restaurant, ordering extravagant meals and wine, then telling the young man "I'm going to fuck your twink mouth", and if the young man declined then Kevin would walk out of the restaurant leaving the poor kid to foot the bill.

thats hilarious

My respect for this man has increased tenfold

"I'm going to fuck your twink mouth" This is some Mel Gibson level shit.

Lmao the balls on this fuck



I want to see a Curb Your Enthusiasm style "Life of Mel" where he plays himself.

Mel: “Fucking Jews! The Jews are responsible for all the wars in the world!”

Officer: “Mr Gibson I’d like to remind you you’re being recorded.”

Curb intro music plays

Notice they also had Louis CK pinned early.

Haven't we known for a while that Louis is a fat glob of dogshit?

This guy does have a smug twink mouth, I can see that.

Keyser SoGay.

can you imagine the flat intonation, unblinking eyes, and subtly bobbing head to add emphasis on the seriousness of the assertion

Ill bet Kevins fist left his asshole spacey.

Maybe this is the pedo (who is still very active in Hollywood) that Corey Feldman was talking about.

He's probably ONE of them, yes.

No. Charlie Sheen is one for sure. I think Rob Reiner is the one Corey is alluding to.

I think Sheen is one for sure. Feldman alluded that Corey Haim was molested and passed around during one of his first movies. One of Haim’s first movies is Lucas and Sheen is in that.

I have too much free time.

Charlie Sheen fucked mia isabella

There are tons of these predators, not just one

The amazement at the super rich/influential being creeps is really something.

Pick any bouncer in any shitty town in the world and he's trying to use his infinitesimal power to coerce some stupid bitch into blowing him.

Hey lets be fair, maybe Anthony Rapp was one of those 14 year olds who looks like an adult man! Let me do some investigating

Anthony in 1986:

LOL yeah... Spaceys def a pedofag

Come out as gay to stop the rape allegations, yeah that's the ticket!

What a cynical, awkward move. Everyone has taken this for granted about him since the late ‘90s. Confirming it NOW seems like a pathetic attempt to hijack the narrative. It was over thirty years ago and he distinctly recalls the drunkenness of the occasion but has no recollection about giving the impression to his underage male costar of being DTF.

DTF? more like PDF. Pinned Down and Fucked

More like DOC downing old cock

He's queer as a three dollar bill.

Everyone knew this in the 1990s.

Now he shows his Trump card to avoid sexual crime allegations.

Well played, Kevin Spacey, well played.


He fucken Frank Underwooded us

Pretty sure Travolta fucked Casey

President Frank Under(age)wood

That Rapp guy was in Dazed and Confused

Fuck, and i really liked house of cards

won't be seein him no more

We'll see, even though its paedoish, its a bit of innuendo at this stage, more people need to come forward for him to really sink

And 5 days after your comment, we are up to 8 accusers plus another 8 more on the HoC set.

I was right on the money

Become vengeance, Anthony. Become wrath.

Spacey fucked him so now he’s in a space tv show, get it gang

Kevin bacon fucked big Amy

House of Cards sucked after season 1

Agreed. Underwood was a ruthless piece of shit in season one and then he fell apart.

House of Cards The Walking Dead sucked after season 1

it peaked in season 2 and should have ended there.

Season 2 was even better. The show was great when Frank was trying to achieve power, but once he actually got what he wanted, I didn't care anymore.

Fake Vladimir Putin pulling soap opera bullshit by forcing Frank fire his wife, made me stop watching.

that final shot of season 2 could have easily been the wrap on the entire series. the way that season built to the end was so cool and from there it just became flaccid, especially since they've decided to focus on his horrible wife. i can't tell if it's the actor or the character but she is by far the worst part of the show and they don't seem to know how to write her.

I've associated with some people who have personally interacted with him. The allegations aren't that unbelievable. It may or may not have gotten worse after his many Oscar nominations and his two Oscar awards.

Just saying, it's not a big deal that he's gay, but he might also be a seriously sinister creep.

Method acting, my ass! He just wants you to give him a happy ending with your mouth. Every time. Even if you don't want to.

Life protip: Don't agree to a house call massage for Kevin Spacey.

That's the same exact way it played out for someone I knew. I wonder if that formula is enough to bring him down or if he even should be.

Frank Undermen amirite?

who cares. i still like spacey. fuck this nobody

Mark dice is right. What a world

This guy isn't even cute.

Did Joe Rogan know about this before hand? Is that why he apologized about the Feldman comments?

Reminder: Redbar fucking stinks

The recent obsession with child molestation in Hollywood is really funny, because it's just a way for the majority of society to feel like they're "good people" who "care about children" by using Hollywood as a scapegoat, while totally ignoring and psychologically depressing that the large majority of child abuse, rape and murder is done by someone within the family unit.

Society's cowardly hypocrisy is pathetic, but still funny to watch. You will point the finger of blame at anything to deflect from the truth of your social institutions.

It’s interesting that the old fag always can sniff out the young fag.

Tss fawkin house of cawkss tsss

Remember Milo said that he had sex with an older man when he was 14. And he thinks it's good for 14 year old gays to have sex with older men, so they can be their gay mentors... And that statement is what ruined Milo's career.

And it's common among gays. It's an open secret you're not allowed to talk about

And it's been that way forever. That old guy sitting on a park bench with the two raggedy kids isn't always a grandpa sometimes he's pimping them out for heroin money.

da world b crayzee n shiznit

Milo said that because he was in a gay relationship with an older man when he was 14.

It's not uncommon for people who were sexually abused to think it's ok.

tss fukkin COCKholme syndrum

Kevin Spacey fucked milo?

No, I am just saying that this type of behavior is quite common in the gay male community. Gavin Mcinnes used to talk about this on his show all the time. He used to say that a lot of gay men have no problem fucking underage boys.

Seven. Inches.

At Panavision Woodland Hills, theres a famous story about Spacey taking a tour & having an eye for the kid that worked the little coffee stand. Kev took such a shine to him, he came back every day, all day, just hanging at this coffee thing, hoping to fuck this kid. It got so bad the dude quit.

When I worked on Monk, dude told me how his first feature in camera dept was a movie Spacey directed. One day on set they started talking, and then got so friendly KS started giving him rides to set and everything. Then one night they went to dinner, and Spacey invited dude back to his house. Guy was like “oh....shit,” finally putting two & two together. He politely declined, but then said Spacey was SUCH a dick to him for the rest of the show, he almost quit.

There’s lots of Spacey stories like that out there. If he likes you he comes at you hard, until he either gets his pecka in you, or you quit.

How's working with Tom Scharpling?

This dude's name was "Tiger." (I swear to god, his parents named him Tiger. He was super twinky & Phillipino, but he wasnt gay)

Faggots shouldn't be allowed near children.

Verbal Kint? More like Oral Kint.

the greatest trick da devil ever pulled was not getting caught raping a bitch or sumthin. fawk ya

It's a distraction. Trump is a puppet of the deep state Obama administration.

I am. Had no idea Spacey was of gay descent.

What made ya stray from T_D bruthahman?

Agreed. Underwood was a ruthless piece of shit in season one and then he fell apart.

House of Cards The Walking Dead sucked after season 1

it peaked in season 2 and should have ended there.

tss fukkin COCKholme syndrum