Opie claims he's running in the NYC marathon

25  2017-10-30 by greygooser


Hopefully there's a 3rd Tsarnaev brother we don't know about.

Treat yourself, mutha hucka! Ka-boom!

That’s a no.

The only thing he is running is a twitter account with fake followers and a glaring lack of humor.

He’s full of shit: https://i.imgur.com/oj34I3E_d.jpg

ME: that's the bit!

Being pathetic is the bit you dope!

Nice username

Fucking hilarious, what a fucking dick

Does he buy his own sports bra or does he dig around in the dirty laundry and hope she doesn't notice one missing?

He hasn't seen his wife in months. He wishes he had someone to share braziers with.

But why would you carry a hot coal container with you during a marathon?

Typographical yumah

I need to focus on Halloween its almost here!!!

He meant to say he was "ruining" it by being there.

Again he says he's focusing on Halloween. I dont have a guess as to what that might mean

ME: I gotta figure out what kind of fawkin' candy to buy. Where we at with da candy? Ya got your Snickers, your Kit Katsss....

you cant just run the NYC marathon. You have to pre-qualify by finishing other races first.

Opie lies because he's not a genuine person. Just like how he needs to place an iPhone between himself and any real moment, Opie is emotionally retarded. Like a toddler flinging a toy or shitting his pants, Opie acts out so we'll all stop and look at him, if only for a moment.

gaaaaadamn better get a fukkin sports bra on that MUG.

Oprah Winfrey ran it in 4 hours 30 minutes, so he has her time to beat.

In a week!? Wouldn't we have heard some lead up in the past month. Perhaps like, opie here just got home from my regular job bout to go for another run, as I'm training to run a marathon at the end of the month. Although now that I think about it opie has been an athlete all his life

Water aerobics.

I'd have you know that I almost went to the olympics for running once.

I was really good. Like REAALLY good. They tried to recruit me for the national team at one point, but I wanted to focus on radio at that time. It was just too booooring for me to be perfectly honest with ya. But I could have been one of those fawking guys on television, TRUST me.

he isn't, Period!!! That douche always claims he was a "runner" in high school just more lies from tits

all the faggot does is ride his gay bike

Treat yourself, mutha hucka! Ka-boom!