There is zero irony

11  2017-10-29 by JoeCumiaSr

The Jim and Sam show is at least as lame and poorly executed as that "so bad it's funny" intro.


Then stop listening to it.

My autism won't allow it, faggot.

What about your health?

that's preposterous. this online community is based on hate-listening

The intro is horrible and what's worse is that it pops into my head at least once a day and the only way I can stop it is with a bullet.

Ittttttt's tiiiiiime to starrrrrt the shooooooow SHUT THE FUCK UP

The asylum! We're craaazy! Sam is the lamest faggot in the history of man, there's no laughs there.

It wouldn't have been so bad if they kept the intro and stopped the door sound effect after like a week, but EVERY time it's Sam going "welcome to the asylum, aheghhehhahehgh!!!"

The exact same thing happens to me. Why do we keep listening? I think there's some masochism to it