Reminder: Jim Florentine thinks this is badass.

18  2017-10-29 by TinKnockinMoroccan


A little bit of trivia: This the earliest known footage of Anthony Cumia preying upon teenage girls in his quest to prove to his alcoholic gindaloon father that he isn't a homosexual.

Save room for dessert, said the young negro policeman.

I bet they don’t use ketchup.

Spinal Tap showed them how it's done right:

Everyone wants to sound like Quiet Riot

Something deeply disturbing about the vocals on this one. Almost like some sort of Frank Oz thing.

Reminder: All if you faggots think opie and Anthony was a good show

Yes it was.

Reminder: Redbar thinks is show was, and is currently, a good show.

It isn't

Pledging an undying allegiance to a singular genre of music? What are you, 4?
I absolutely adore heavy metal but I still realize it's 90% dogshit.

I listen to the music I grew up on occasionally but it was dogshit nu-metal and it's douchey.

How they think this stuff is still great as adult men is cringe-inducing.