
65  2017-10-29 by fingerofgawd


Oh no a flabby tummy. Are you still in elementary school?

yea but she's the type of homosexual that yells out "OH NO! I HAVE TO ADULT TODAY!" like some dreadful cactus.

Why are you here

Dat cudha must stink like a mug

It's like Norman Rockwell painted the head and Salvador Dali painted everything else.

Thanks, Ron Asadorian.

Elliot Offen is enteraining.Strange and Deranged. RIGHT STERN.

Oof! that's not even 'fetish'

Fat people don't deserve to live

Her body is ok for a 50 year old Minnesotan house wife burning off the baby weight from her fourth kid.

A little wordy but I liked it.

Don’t talk about this sub’s members like that.

Damn. Now i want a chicken pot pie fir dinner for some reason.

How the fuck are you able to think about eating after seeing this?

I'm fat.


I have a great head of hair though.

yeah you do

By the way this is brunette Opie.

With out the tits

Come on, you can't just wear a fucking t-shirt? You clearly hate yourself and therefore probably wouldn't want people to see that, hence why you are running

Try not to barf reading - her comments are worse than the pictures.

Unreal. This fat positivity movement is a catch 22: they say they love their body, but then they do shit to lose weight and are therefore happier. Is it 220lbs or 120lbs? Can't have both you fucking hog

"Hit her in the gunt Rock!"

Easily the most unfuckable person under 200lbs.

200 lb ≈ 90 kg

metric units bot | feedback | source | hacktoberfest | block | refresh conversion | v0.11.12

Nigger bot

Those limey fucks really do run this sub...

Somewhere Stalker Patti is smiling from ear to ear

Ewwww look at that mush

I love how all these pictures are from the same workout. I think it's the only time she's exercised in the past year

Looking at her body you would think she works out all the time but she just has good metabolism.

Actually, she isn’t even really working out. She is shooting a scene for a movie.

Nope. This was an arranged paparazzi shoot she did to advertise the season finale of Girls, because her character "discovered" running. She's running "in character", whatever the fuck that means. Okay, it means she was full of shit and doing this for attention, and because the paparazzi were told she was gonna be there. She hasn't been seen running since, this is literally the only time she's been photographed on the street doing anything remotely physical. (The only reason I know is I just googled it.)

Silly peon, she doesn't mingle with the average scum in the city. She's a PRINCESS.

It's the same as always - she's a fucking fat fraud.

The joke really writes itself;

The Blob The Stuff Harry and the Henderson's The Thing

You know a working actor like Christopher waltz should take better care of himself

Hoyt Axton had a better body


I don't get the hate, this guys just trying to get in shape...good luck to the lad.

Baby took a run 10 weeks ago you assholes are still posting about it.

i was wondering if she keeps wearing the same clothes or its from that run 10 weeks ago

Patrice was on O&A 4 million years ago yet we still talk about him. Why is mrs grinchgut off limits?

Can someone do a Beautiful Lena Dunham faceapp?

That app doesn't exist yet. We need a lot more computing power.

She looks like the sandy hook shooter

her belly button looks like a snails mouth

That dude looks like an ugly fat woman

Will you faggots stop posting pictures of Lena Dunham? She's not even relevant anymore

On top of the disgusting, shapeless blob of a body, she has the masculine face of a 12 year old boy. This is one of the most unattractive, unlikable people the tribe has ever foisted upon the American public.

Top of the muffin...TO YOU

She thinks she's breaking the modern feminine beauty standards.

Nope just reinforcing them.

Why is everybody making fun of this nice young man?

So strong. So brave.

That would be a gross thing to have sex with

but the reality is, some horny dude has actually put it in her. i dont know why you wouldnt just find a back alley crackwhore to fuck instead.

Feminism has been ruined by lesbians. There are thousands of straight women out there, being led by lesbians.

Lena Dunham is an obnoxious butch lesbian, who's dating a gay man.

I'd hate-fuck her.

That's not sexy.

That is one complicated navel.

Wow, that guy must have lost 200+ lbs, look at all that loose skin.

She's so ugly that I wouldn't take even a handjob from her, and that says a lot. The pigs I've seen...

who is upvoting this and why?

ignore the dumb hole. who fucking cares about her?

I've fucked fat women. No shame. In my defense, they at least had fat women bodies with boobs, butts, and hips. They didn't have the body of my alcoholic Uncle Mike drinking Steel Reserve and watching the Tigers.