Tough guy Jim needs to be humiliated by sirius xm bosses

26  2017-10-29 by pta11

I know sirius xm bosses dont listen to this fuckin abomination of a show,But im sure word would of got back to them that a hollywood celebrity was to appear on that show and was told not to come on because he voiced his opinion on not wanting to be on the show at the same time as a Dominican hooker.I really hope the bosses of sirius completely ban Mary jean from ever been allowed into the building again,Then lets see if Jim will say "'Noone dictates to me who i can have on my show"'


Did Dennis come to Sirius specifically for Jim and Sam?

That seems impossible

He needs to be stabbed with a broken beer bottle but that's just my opinion.

The bosses should put him in camel clutch & make him humble

Making him cum won't help.

As horrible as she is I would actually rather have her in than him. Actor guests are so fucking boring. Most guests that aren't comedians or Denny suck.

I always liked actors. Even if they're boring at least there's a chance they won't be.

UFC guys, pornstars, there's a 0% chance of anything insightful coming from there. Pro wrestlers can be funny but most of the new ones, not so much. But Michael Madsen? Tim Conway? Norm from Cheers?

A guy who refused to be in a room with a stripper would be a image conscious dud of an interview.

Are you gonna bark all day, little doggie, or are you gonna bite?

You're not wrong, but what difference does it make when a stripper would be an even bigger "dud" of an interview?

After a certain point, who cares about these women's cunts? And these other, taller women's penises? I'd rather hear people eating into the microphone than hear shit from these faggots.

I agree that UFC guys and pornstars suck and I guess I see your point but they are rarely entertaining. Michael Madsen's voice was enraging. It seems like he became a combination of all the characters he played

I think that's booze and cigarettes dude. Not that I heard his voice outside of films.

Me thinks he can't control his perv switch.

Really? Between the decades of abusing sex workers, only being able to cum when his baby boy nipples are rubbed and being unable to stay off his phone for 3 hours because his "girl"friend may have sent him which size butt plug to put in next, I would have thought Jimmies lack of control is pretty obvious.

Its the #1 reason I dont buy his "in recovery" bullshit. Who is your sponsor Jim? Why do they allow you to deflect all your addictive tenancies to another vice? The truth is Jim stopped drinking and doing drugs when he realized he couldn't cover his homosexuality while inebriated, its why he never addresses the other problems in his life like he was able to "quit drinking". Anyone who had that much of a problem (drinking) and overcame it would be able to see it (sex addiction, his sleep apnea which he doesn't deal with and of course his blatant narcissism, which is hilarious given his tweets to Opie) and address it in other aspects of their life, Jim does not do this.

He is a big fat phony, we dont care if you are gay Jim, just come out already and it all starts to make sense.